
Sociologicial point of view on gender.?

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Does anyone know how gender plays a role from a sociological point of view?




  1. Gender roles are the roles that society assigns to men and women based on their gender. They especially influence relationships between men and women.

    Gender roles have been changing in Western society in recent decades, and generally have become more flexible. but traditional gender roles still have some influence.

    it used to be that men went out to work while women stayed at home to look after the kids but now many women have careers.

  2. whoa i took that class it was so boring so i will help you out..

    sociology equates to common sense, so SERIOUSLY just use your head and think about what the answer might be, write it down, and thats SERIOUSLY it

    so to answer the question

    if you were male, when youre "studying" sociology you will have certain beliefs going in

    and if youre female youll have certain beliefs.

    maybe a good example is that women tend to be more "nurturing" and have a general concern for others, and tend to believe people are entitled to help others. whereas men may believe people need to carry their own weight.

    so maybe when it comes to donating food to the hungry

    sociologically... women will be more likely to make donations and publisize the fact that its something people need to "chip in and help out with", while men might say they need to be self sufficient and get jobs.

    sociological view from everthing though, not just gender. whether or not you are an american affects your opinion. whether or not you are christian affects your opinion. whether or not you are skinny or fat affects your opinion.

    (by the way, sociology is all about stereotyping too, so make sure to be really general and put people in categories based on race, gender, income level, etc)

    seriously! say things just like i said

    americans may belive children are entitled to having their own room, and people in other countries may feel thats spoiling children

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