
Sociologists! I'm looking for a word that you should know..?

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What's the word that refers to the mindset that western beliefs are superior to others? isn't helping me and no one seems to know what I'm talking about.

It's a type of prejudice against anything that's not 1st world, western thought.

I keep mixing it up with Xenophobia, but that's slightly different.




  1. ethnocentrism?  this is when someone observes/makes judgments on other cultures only from the viewpoint of their own.

    there are different types of ethnocentrism...

    eurocentrism focuses on western culture, usually descriminating against non-white or non-european traditions.  maybe that's what you're looking for?

  2. The word you're looking for is "ethnocentrism." But... it's not particular to people in the western world. It's basically anyone who thinks their culture and way of life is the only correct one and everyone else is wrong and strange

  3. I know the idea that one's culture is superior to others is known as  "ethnocentrism",

    I also know that the idea that America is moreso superior is "American exceptionalism", so perhaps the word(s) are "Western exceptionalism".

  4. Isn't it First World Bigotry?

    A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own

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