
Sociologists Income?

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Sociologists, please tell me your degree, annual income, job title, and what your average day at work consists of (what's your routine?) as well as any advice to a major in sociology, as far as a backup plan, etc.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I agree with the last poster. Sociology is a broad term. If you want to be a sociologist you will most likely have to get a PhD.  A lot of people get this confused with counseling but it is mostly the study of human behavior. On individual and group basis. It is an interesting field but not very well paid. There just aren't enough sources for study. Some sociologist work with organizations that gather data. Such as taking political polls or commercial/advertisement polls. I am a Clinical Social Worker. I work with patients at a private psychiatric hospital. I do individual, family and group therapy sessions. I also have a small private practice doing the same type services. On an average I make around 45K to 55K per year. I have a masters degree in social work and am licensed by the state. I also have a minor in sociology. As far as a back up plan, be versatile. Find something in the service industry that interest you. Computers, electronics, small motor repair.

    Good luck

  2. Well, I'm not a Sociologist you would need a Ph.D for that.  However I just graduated last May with a B.A. in Sociology and a Minor in Political Science.  Sociology is very broad field so there are numerous things you could do with your degree. Personally I work for an international car company (that I wont name here).  I work in Quality Assurance as a Quality Assurance Analyst, my particular job consist of me auditing cars and writing reports.  I use statitics to quantify the problems that are reoccuring.   My day varies but for the most part   audit cars part of the day and do reports.  Its okay, a good start I guess.  I plan on getting into another field.  The average starting salary I think is in the low to mid 30,000s.

    I think a lot of people dont understand exactly what Sociology is.  If you say something like my major is Finance, ppl get an immidiate idea of what your talking about.  When you say Sociology the idea is not as sharp. If possible I would say pick up a minor. Not in Political Science.  Do a minor in something specific maybe Statistics.  Whatever it is make sure its something strong that is specific and compliments your major. Also do an internship!  I did not do one like I suppose to, and I really regret it now. This job is almost like me interning, I'm having to pay my dues.  Intern as much as you can, look into government internships.  Just make sure the internship is geared towards a career your intrested in.  Honestly you may not know Exactly what you want to do, but it should help you narrow it down.

    As far as a backup plan, I suggest grad school.

    When you start looking for a job, dont limit yourself! Your options are as narrow as you make them!
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