
Sociology careers? and further ??s?

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what are some careers involving sociology? could you please list as many as possible


does sociology at all conflict with religion (Christianity)?




  1. I'm sorry I wouldn't know anything about sociology.

    Thanks for answering my question. I wish I could've helped you though.

  2. Sociology does not exist outside academia. There are other careers that apply sociological principles, such as working for non-profit companies, Human Resources departments, or marketing. Any job where you'll have to deal with large groups of people will appreciate a BA in Sociology. But the field itself is limited to research & teaching within colleges.  

    I really love Sociology and came to one of my profs asking what I could do for a living. When I was skeptical about my aptitude to get a PhD and become a professor, she told me about an interview she went to for a Marketing company before she decided to be a prof. She said there was a book on the wall in the guy's office called "Consumer Trends of Mushroom Soup." That's what Sociology is like outside of academia. Boring and depressing. I still don't know if I'll be a good PhD or prof, but that's what it takes to stick with real Sociology and I can't stand the thought of the alternative.

    As far as sociology conflicting with religion, Sociology of Religion is just one subset of the field. Most of what you learn is going to be about things that your religion has nothing to do with, such as gender or economics. If you associate your religion with a conservative political ideology and strongly believe that poor people choose to be poor and the only functional household structure is the heterosexual nuclear family, you're probably not going to like what you learn. But you're only going to be taught things that have already been supported through non-biased research. The field in general tries very hard to avoid "ethnocentrism", or believing that your culture is superior to everyone else's. So if you have a hard time letting go of those feelings, you won't be a good sociologist.

    That being said, my Sociology of Religion prof was a Christian. He admitted it to us on the first day in order to invite us to criticize anything he said that we thought could be influenced by his own religious biases. But nothing ever was, he was a good sociologist. And he's done some groundbreaking research among the Christian community; he found out that the higher someone's religiosity, the more likely they are to date someone outside of their race. But I'm an agnostic and there are plenty of options for me in Sociology of Religion, too. I probably won't pursue soc of religion because I prefer to study things that I have no personal attachment to, such as masculinity and homosexuality, but that's just what interests me most. The important thing is not to let your personal opinions affect your research. Research proposals from people that cannot follow this rule are rejected before they can begin.

  3. I graduated with a sociology degree and I waited tables for three years before going back to school for something else.

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