
Sociology.. need help please?

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Considering the macro-level and micro-level approaches in sociology, which one do you think "better" explains social life? Why? Please Help




  1. I woudl attack the question here adn talk about the word 'better' is it a sociological term surely we need all views of social life in order to get a rounded perspective they don't have to be backed like horses and can co-exist and  each approach can throw up vital questions of the other to take us forward in our understanding.

    my understanding is gained at a micro level but without the bigger picture it would be hard to know where to put resources.

  2. They are different points of view on the same topic. One explains the forrest the other the trees.  Each is used to define specific criteria based on specific indices of social interaction.  Any tool is only good as the user, the more general your macro the more detailed micro.

  3. Micro level...since micro level approaches look at social interactions in people's primary groups and secondary groups.  It looks at symbolic interaction.  Micro deals with day to day life in smaller settings such as (for example) families and classrooms.  Most social experiences are at the micro level.  It is at this level that we form our perceptions of reality through social contact, beginning in early childhood in primary groups, and continuing through adulthood with changes of status and positions.   It's our socialization (our learning through social experiences) that influences our day to day life and our cultural ideas and practices, the most.

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