
Sociology or psych which will be more prestigous in job market?

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which degree is better in the job market

a bachelors in sociology or psychology

I have no interest in getting a masters yet so please go off of bachelors



please no rude answers as many people just post answers to be rude with no reason




  1. psychology for sure

  2. well it's hard to figure out being that you haven't shared what you want to do.  Honestly I think sociology because it's a little uncommon and psychology sort of has a stigma attached to it that spells uncertainty....

  3. i would think psychology

    as sociology is often looked down upon, so ive heard, because they are not presumed or judged to have a real 'job' or purpose

    but id personally think sociology would be more fun to do

  4. Personally, I think that either is good.  I majored in psych and minored in soc.  However, I found my soc classes MUCH more interesting.  A degree  is in either lets people know that you can read and write well and that you can work with and understand people and groups well..  Now, if you think you're going to get a job in sociology per se, with only a BA, you certainly won't.  But you can definitely do into human services, business, etc.  with either a BA in psych OR soc.  

    Good luck!!  :)

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