
Sociology paper HELP!?

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im doing a sociology paper 5-7 pages long and it has to be on personal experience, and im really lost! i don't know what topic to choose from....can you guys give me some ideas on topics i could write about...SOMETHING easy not too hard...something that i can easily find info on...thank you so much...and can anyone help me writting the paper?? not WRITE but just help, as a guide..?? please! thank you!




  1. How about writing a paper on your social location. What I mean by social location is who you are....race, ethnicity, age, class, sexual orientation, s*x, and so on. You could start by describing yourself and talk about how your own social location creates your biases. Maybe you are skinny and realize you have a bias against people who are overweight.  Or perhaps you are rich and can't stand poor people. I hope you get my point.  

    Your personal experience is your life and who you are, and as a result of this, you have experienced x,y,and z  because of your social location. Maybe talk about how other people with a different social location may not be able to experience the same things as you.  You should definitely talk about your biases and privileges as a result of who you are. Talking about race, class, s*x, biases, and privilege will qualify your paper as sociological.  You could title the paper, "My life experience."

    I hope this helps. Best of luck.

  2. yah i am taking a sociaoligal class in the summer and i want every one to know that that clas is designed to only let me understand it and have anything that if you knew other people who see what you didi knew what you think fo ot you wont want to do it

  3. if this is on "personal experience" then look in your own life for help.  How do you get along with people in your family, at school, on the job?  Ever been in trouble with the law?

    Ever voted? Your entire life is filled with generous examples.  Have fun with it.  The more you open your mind to your own experiences, the better your paper will be.

  4. This is a tall order, as I don't know anything about your life, so I can only guess at what might help you.  You might look over the terms and concepts you have covered in class and pick out something that applies to you, but I'm sure you've already thought of, I recommend hegemony, simply because it is everywhere, and I think anyone should be able to apply it to their lives.  Basically, hegemony is the process by which a dominant culture maintains its dominant position.  I am sure that you have experienced oppression, whether you have been the oppressor or the oppressed.  Good luck!
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