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I have to write a paper taking a stand on an issue. It has to have sociological journal qoutes in it and it has to portray a sociological stand point. any ideas for topics besides g*y marriage and abortion??




  1. Take a stand on Racism, Affirmitaive Action, No Child Left Behind Act etc.

    I actually just saw something on you tube that you could take a stand on: It's regarding Black History Month

  2. war

  3. I agree with "someone" but you need to take a stand on the sociological implications of the wealthiest 1% of our society sending the persons of the lowest socio-economic strata to war, in order that they could increase their wealth multiple times in a blatant exhibition of greed that manifests  itself in their treatment of those poor crippled young people who return home. To be left to face substandard medical attention, broken homes, bankruptcy, and in fact,  living in squalor on the streets while making their beds like junk yard dogs under bridges and overpasses. This all the while projecting a condescending attitude that further debases these folks who served the flag of their nation in a fraudulent conflict, initiated by the influence of their former corporate minions,  to whom they were indebted for one reason or another. The people  they then enabled to profit in terms of millions upon millions of dollars at the expense of the American taxpayer. .The Halliburton's and the Blackwater's etc....... On second thought, forget it, I don't want you to get expelled from school. You had better just write about the effect of the newly trended metrosexual on the masculinity of the American male and examine whether or not his contemporary development in our culture, is adversely affecting the g*y community by inducing jealousy and creating tension in the fashion wars inherent to their convergence, while at the same time giving liberated women something interesting to talk about in the powder room and just how humorous they must  find them. Good luck with your essay, however your thesis may develop.
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