
Sociology :what did Gramsci said?

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What did gramsci believed, about the ruling class, and capitalism ecc?? please answer me in detail and don;t give me sites..simple english! :)




  1. He was a Marxist who wanted to eradicate Economic Determination but if you want to learn what he believed in in detail Yahoo Answers is not the place to do it.

    Go to the LIbrary get a Marxist reader (i'd recommend the one edited by David Forgacs or David Harris ) and buy yourself a Sociology Dictionary because you will need it.

    Gramsci unfortunately did not speak in simple English so if you want to understand him look up hegemony the relationship between the Base and Superstructure (Gramsci believed social development always originates form the economic structure) and of course Class Struggle.

    No one can learn this for you I'm afraid your just going to have struggle through Gramsci because it's only by struggling with a piece of writing that you come to understand it.

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