
Socioty and my self?

by  |  earlier

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I'm tall,dark,blue eyed,thin but toned,kinda light brown hair and not a pretty boy.Infact people are nerviouse to be around me.Employers are affraid to hire me.I'm not scarry,but people are intimidated.I know when someones attention is on me.I d**n s**y in my own way and others like to fuc$ with me in a round about way.I dont have many friends and I'm a social missfit.People think I'm homicidale and they where never given a reason why.What the fuc$ do these people want.I work hard except lately no one will hire last job was in alaska on a boat.peice of cake.I refuse to change my self to land a career just because most of the public is afraid.I dont do drugs or drink and I find my self doing jobs nobody else can handle.What is it that people fear so much that they try so hard to keep you down?Yes mainly my self I do stand out.I'm not alone.My confidence scares them and frightens emplyers and sometimes even cops.Why wont they let me live normaly?




  1. Maybe they misunderstand your confidence for arrogance. . . ? so you could try to act MORE modest and humble . . . hmmm... Like i said you're a target. . . that most people aim for. . . since you're so unique tall . . . blue eyes. .  . very special and you stand out. . . not in a bad way but people interpret small things you do dif. than you do. and if you do something wrong since your so dif. you're very noticed and therefore people use these things against you. . . okay i'm getting carried away well like i said target. . .just hold your head up high . . . and don't let these people bring you down. . . don't let them stop your life just cuz you're dif. in a positive and unique way :)

  2. ebay

  3. hahahaha,   you answered your own question,    but seriously,    i feel like saying join the club,      "even cops" that is one of the hilarious parts, what do you expect from cops,you know cops are jealous sociopaths who do not want anyone to be successful,and God forbid s**y,  are you serious, do you really think people are going to let you get a decent breath, when you are intimidating, and confident,?   Nobody likes someone who is cool, and if they are s**y and cool,         here is my advice to you, buy a bicycle,    that is what i have been using for the past forty years,,,,,     look, if you do not find someway to escape or hit the lottery, these turkeys are going to "eat you alive"      i really have no advice to offer,    try finding some attorneys,   who might help, but this is such a nebulous area,   believe me i have tried, and at the last minute, the attorneys back out, i feel for you, but have no real advice for you,      maybe join the army, and jump out of planes and become more intimidating,        

    move to a country where you might be accepted  

    look if i had my way, you might be living in my Empire,   the ideas and oppurtunities i have had to let go by,    the dumps i have had to live in, because of being smart,good looking s**y, and intimidating,     prevented from gaining any skills, playing an instrument, learning and advancing,   people are intimidated, and people do not like people who are virile,    so my friend, find the highest tree, the deepest cave or wherever the hiding is the best,    if you escape these morons, let me know,      wait til you try to talk to someone,       don, t come to yuma az, they are all over, and nyc is filled with them,     i don,t know if they are mostly democrats, i think they are, or if they are republicans and democrats,     anyway good luck my friend,    join the foreign legion  

    or maybe you and i need to trade places,   maybe what disagrees with me is where you should be, and vis versa   but i don,t think so,   these turkeys are everywhere, you are right about the homocidial , they sure are up to making people be like that,    when i am not laughing i am crying, they are real nightmares,    people do not want to make you do right, cops, hahahahaha, that expression "there is never  a cop,around  when you need one"    seems they are always around making sure you get nothing nice, and making sure you look stupid,         i know i have been there and am there, and it gets old,  you can try prayer,  hope you have more success than i have been having,    i have surmised, democrats do not like me, whether i vote or not,  

    i have spoken enough here,   you my friend could have the answers to life, s problems, and i was going to say the Messiah, but there you go,    they would rip down and destroy the Messiah,     and to try to not be the Messiah is also a mistake,      

    take it one day at a time,  i hope it does not cause you all kinds of pychological problems,   but how it cannot i don,t know,      peace and find a good woman to take care of you, to keep you out of sight,     you know that the skills or knowledge you gain or whatever, the more intimidating you will become,  peace          anyway,    peace to you and prosperity, and  a better society for all concerned

  4. This doesn't make a lot of sense.  There are always going to be people who dislike you or your lifestyle. So what. There are going to be people who like you and like your lifestyle.  The key is to be a happy joyful person, confident that you are a good person -kind, helpful, considerate, etc. And you won't have to worry about anything else.

    Here's a secret: we're all misfits.
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