
Socrates....We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is a habit!... How do you interpret this ?

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Socrates....We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is a habit!... How do you interpret this ?




  1. More do, better is!  ;-)

  2. I wonder if Socrates, was on some sort of medication in those times !! (It's evidently too early for me to answer this question!)

  3. Hey that's a big word for me to google on a Monday Morning.

  4. Practice makes perfect.

  5. Hi the more u do something the better u become at it Hugs

  6. Socratic dialogues are way over my head.  Didn't he die in debt, owing somebody a chicken?

    Did he mean that the things we do habitually make us what we are? I can't disagree with that.

    Wasn't his wife a nag? Or did he drive her to it?

  7. Learning to ride a bike is difficult at first, but after you learn it's easy. By continually doing the right thing, no matter how difficult at first, it will become the natural thing to do if practiced enough.

  8. first, your actions speak for what you do best describes who you are. So if you want to be excellent, just practice being excellent every single may seem a huge toll but it can be done.

  9. Guess I'll never be a nun then.

    *Oh, to wear such perfection,

    with it garmenting round my skull;

    And have all the people waiting

    to dole out their bread,

    since my words their legs would doth pull.

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