
Soda and health?

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Ok, im quitting soda and going on a diet, but is coke zero and the zero products bad for you?




  1. Well you would be better off not having any type of soda but that is your choice. If it is easier for you to stick to by using zero then by all means use it.

    I have never been a fan of the artificial sweeteners but they won't harm you. Zero still has caffeine and plenty of sodium so watch out for them. Drink extra water with the Zero.

    Also Zero is actually not zero calories. They measure diet drinks diffeerently for some reason. Coke Zero has from 0.2 to 0.5 calories per 100 ml or 3.4 oz. depending on what country it is made in. This means an actual serving of 8 ounces or 250 ml will have 0.5 to 1.25 calories. It is still low but if you are counting your calories then you will need to know this.

    Good luck.

  2. They both have artificial sweetener (which is certainly not beneficial to your health, but it's not harmful either), but more importantly they both have a LOT of sodium which can lead to dehydration, higher blood volume and, over time, possibly higher blood preasure

  3. They are ok for you...but do try to wean yourself off soda and get used to drinking the clear stuff....

    I just found that drinking zero sugar soda gave me a bit of sweet tooth and it made me crave for bad sugary treats....

    I have only a few zero drinks a's hard but it's worth it, my skin looks good and it helps my weight loss

  4. What I do is mix a healthy unadulterated juice with water. Started at 50/50 and now 20 juice with 80 water satisfies. In lieu of that when hard pressed I mix diet un-caffeinated soda 50/50 with water.

    A friend of mine made his own soda from cheap apple juice ::

    He mixed a little bread yeast with apple juice and left it out a few days to ferment. It had less than 1% alc. Then he'd mix a little Vitamin C crystals with the apple and mix that with water 80/20 - the ultimate perfect thirst quencher when you need to massively swill  re-hydrate liquids!


  5. well, its not healthy even though its zero, but may i suggest an all natural soda called SPRITZER with no sugar?

  6. they eat you  alive i have seen it happen

  7. Exceedingly so.

  8. If you want to go on a "diet," don't drink soda at all.
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