
Soda making u thinner?

by  |  earlier

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i have found that alot of the people that i no seem to be thinner that drink soda the people that i no (including me) thast dont drink it seem to be less skinny (but not by too much) is the a quincadince or no ?




  1. I disagree. Soda has an outrageous amount of empty calories and a lot of sodium. There is no way that soda helps people loose weight/keep them thin. Maybe the people you are looking at drink it simply for the caffeine and work to burn it off later. Drinking water is ALWAYS the better choice.

  2. no..if you are fat then you are fat..if you are skinny then you are skinny. Soda is not going to change a thing.

  3. It's all the chemicals eating away their insides.

  4. soda has lots and lots of sugar and does NOT make you skinnier. it consumes as much calories as many meals. you could be using your calorie content on much healthier things.

  5. sure thing

  6. you didn't say whether you are referring to diet or regular pop.. I read recently that those people who drink diet pop end up gaining weight because a person's body can't judge how many  calories it has consumed..Say if you drink smaller amounts of something that is good for your like orange juice your thirst  is satisfied. You  may eat less.  Drink more water for thirst and limit your sodas your body knows.

  7. it acts as a filler

  8. Coincidence. Ppl get fatter when they do drink soda. I know cu i lost 5 lbs when i quit soda.

  9. Are you kidding me. the calories in pop makes u gain weight. It must be something else they are doing.
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