
Soemeone hit my car and took off.?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday someone hit my car. I was at a 4 way stop someone. I looked all directions and it was my turn to go. I was driving when the guy to my right decided he wanted to go as well. Hit my car HARD. My insurance is paying to have it fixed. 7,000 worth of damage. The guy stopped. Said a couple cuss words and TOOK off away from the accident. Everyone stopped to help me out of my car. Thankfully I was ok. The plate that fell off his car did not match the one that hit me. They finally found him today and he REFUSED to talk to anyone and got a lawyer. This is my first accident where someone has hit and it has to go to court. The officer said that i do not need a appear in court yet. Everyone that saw it wrote a statement saying he hit me. It was CLEARLY my turn and he didn't even look to see if I was coming. Why would be need a lawyer? He did it. What if he says not guilty? What if they change their statements. I worry a lot. Not sure how this works. Thank you!




  1. they cant change their statement once its already written you should be fine get this low life to pay for your car!!!

  2. Let your insurance take care of this and use their lawyers and this way it wont cost you anything just keep those signed witness statements...

  3. Well you found him that's all that matters. What he did is a Felony and is in big trouble. You should get a lawyer or at least consult one. Ask your insurance company what to do step by step. Oh get a police report, and have the police match up the damage marks on his car. People like him need to be banned from the road!

  4. He needs a lawyer to try to keep his sorry rear from being cemented under the jail house. No matter WHO had the right of way, when he left the scene he committed a felony.  Work with your insurance company. They have a BIG stake in getting reimbursed by the clown who hit you and will take care of the legal end.

  5. I'm not an expert on this, but I would suggest you take a tour here,there are expert's tips over there.

  6. I would talk to your insurance company.  This stuff happens all of the time.  They can advise you.  If you don't like what you hear get a lawyer.  You may want to get a copy of the accident report, that would indicate fault.  Good Luck!

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