
Soft Toric vs. RGP??? Help.?

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I have been fiddling around with trying to find the right Toric for weeks. (Seriously---6 weeks of trials.) I have a relatively strong astigmatism, especially in one eye, and the constant rotation of the torics regardless of which axis my doctor tries on me is driving me nuts. Sometimes I see; sometimes I don't. I strain my eyes WAY too much for being 20. Is it time for RGP? I had hard lenses way back in elementary school and ultimately gave up and refused (it was uncomfortable from what I remember, but I was also stubborn at getting used to them) and I'm so picky with my vision but I love the soft comfort. Is it time for RGP and can you really get used to them?

I'd love to stay with soft but the constant "on-again, off-again" type of vision is driving me nuts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Try to use purevision toric. It is great

  2. I see what you mean. Lots of patients with strong astigmatism complain of less than crisp vision with soft torics.

    Try RGP's. You may or may not get the same effect, it all really depends. Your vision will most likely be much crisper though, as RGP's are actually recommended for high levels of astigmatism.

    RPG's are much different than the lenses you grew up with. They are much more flexible than older hard lenses. During the first week or so, you may feel some slight discomfort, but I can guarantee that you will adjust to them. I suggest trying them, and if you really don't like them after 2 weeks, then so be it.

    Take care and Good luck!

  3. I really dont know how much is your power and what lens you have been given for trial but I too consider LI~GI's suggestion right.

    try RGPs

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