
Soft foods to eat after getting a tooth pulled?

by Guest66990  |  earlier

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I just got one of my back teeth pulled yesterday. It was like dead, and had no bone in it so they had to put in a bone-graph and give me stitches, so for 2 weeks I have to eat on the other side, and eat only soft foods. :[ what are some good foods that I should eat? It's been hard for my parents to figure out what kind of things to cook for dinner and stuff. -THANKS. (:




  1. my mom had 4 of her teeth pulled and she still eats regulare. she just chops her food into small peices and she can eat everything still.

  2. They told me to go to In N Out and get a milkshake after I got my tooth pulled...but you can't eat anything with a straw!!

    Maybe rice, Jell-o, peanut butter, yougurt, Jamba Juice,  

  3. I ate Yogurt when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out.  

    Mashed potatoes and lots of soup, but my mom run the soup in the blender before serving it to me.

  4. icecream, yogurt, grits, oatmeal, smoothies, soup!!!!!! hello!

  5. applesauce, bread, jamba juicee, iccees, smoothies, frozen yogurt, ice cream, muffins, yogurt.

    feel better ! :]

  6. mashed potatoes, pudding, sorbet, smoothies, yogurt, soup

  7. If you have Taco Bell where you live then pintos and cheese are perfect for eating after dental surgery.  

  8. Soup, Bread with butter, Chocolate pudding (the 100 calories packs rock!) Pasta, Salmon, Mashed Potatoes, French Fries, Apple Sauce.

  9. soups, peanut butter and jam, smoothies, ice cream, rice

  10. Applesauce, mac-n-cheese, yogurt, soup, spaghetti with out meat balls, oatmeal, ice cream, any type of juice, peanut butter sandwiches, grits, mashed tators, that is what I remember when I had to do the same.  I am sure there are others out there that you may like better!  Just be careful after the procedure.  You will have to fast before hand and will be starved when it is done.  When all was over they brought me some soup that had to be the temperature of the corana of the sun.  I, being starved ate it down.  The flesh peeling from the roof of my mouth out weighed any pain from the extracted teeth once the  pain meds were no longer effective!

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