
Softball Bat vs Baseball Bat...Why does one hit the ball farther?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a softball game at my first at bat, I used an excellent baseball bat thinking I would smash the softball out of the park...well, it barely got out of the infield with a low line drive. My second at bat, I used a skinny top bat that said it was a softball bat and I swung and crushed it to the parking lot (at least 100 ft away). Same thing happened on my 3rd at bat.

My question is why would a softball bat with a smaller diameter on the top be able to hit a softball farther then a baseball bat with a larger diameter at the top of the bat?

Addition to this, if they used a softball bat in a baseball game, would it have the same effect? Would the softball bat be able to carry the ball farther then a baseball bat?




  1. this is the real reason..

    softball bats have a smaller diameter so it makes it harder to hit the ball..

    [softball big - softball bat small]
    [baseball small - baseball bat big]
    it evens out to the respective sport

    if u tried to use a softball bat in a baseball game, it would be much more difficult to hit the ball due to the smaller hitting face on the bat.

    the reason you hit the softball further with the softball bat could be because of the increased length of the probably hit it near the end of the bat with produced more leverage bats are shorter and the barrel diameter isn't as even as a softball bat, and although the baseball bat is largest at the end, its sweetspot isnt at the end

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