
Softball help......??

by  |  earlier

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well im 14 [going into 9th] and i wanna play softball!

like really bad.. i have a while to learn still

and my best friend is in softball and she said she will help teach me

but i would just like to know the basics of it so ill already know something

please and thankss(: ill pick a best answer...




  1. I would suggest that you join a softball snowflake league.  The best way to learn to play softball is to play softball.  

    You can also go the the batting range and practice hitting at various rates of speed.  In your free time, shape up by daily jogs around your local school track.  Some times by being a good runner you can get a double whereas others would only get a single.

    Have a catch.  Never underestimate the value of a regular catch.  Every day have a catch with someone and try to field ground balls as well as pop ups.

    Good luck in you softball.  I wish you the very best.

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