
Softball problem??

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I'm a catcher, and I have a problem with catcher's interferance, sometimes I just get a little to close to the batter, they swing and hit my glove, and get a free base. How can I fix this?




  1. Adjust to the batter's position.  If the batter stands further back of the plate, you should scoot back a little also.  I am assuming this is fast pitch softball.  You scooting back should not affect the pitcher's pitches.

  2. Let the ball come to you. You are probably reaching out to get the ball, but you need to let it come to you. Practice this every time you are warming up the pitcher. Its pitchers practice but its also practice for the catchers. Make sure you are not lunging toward to ball, wait for it.

  3. bend your arm a little more it shouldn't be straight out anyways it should bend a little bit

  4. This depends on how "close" you actually are to the batter.  I'm not sure at which level you are playing, but most leagues should draw batter's boxes.  The front boundary of the cather's box is the back boundary of either batter's box.  As long as you are inside the cather's box, you DO NOT need to move back.  Your problem is that you are probably not letting the ball come to you, rather you are going to get the ball.  Watch major league catchers on television sometime.  Once they set up where they want the pitch to be, they allow their mitt to receive the ball.  If you do this, and you are inside the catcher's box, there is no way you will get catcher's interference.  

    One side note:  it is best to be as close to the batter as you can possibly be for a catcher.  This gives the umpire a better view of where the ball actually crosses the plate.

  5. move back or don't extend your arm out as far

  6. Back up, or hold your glove closer to you?

    Or you could just tell them not to swing when you're in the way, maybe they'll listen

  7. move back a little and don't extend your arm out as much

  8. move back a little and don't extend your arm out as much. each better will stand at a different spot in the box. wait until they have selected their spot in the batters box and adjust to them accordingally. you will be fine : )

    Just remember that the ball will come to you, you dont need to go to it.

  9. You Should Adjust Your Stance And Move Back Or Don't Extand Your Arm As Far As You Normally Do.

  10. this happened to me too (im a catcher also) my coach says to let the ball come to me and w8 for it. let the glove catch it no you.

  11. let the ball come to you more bend at the elbow. you still owe it to your pitcher to frame the ball . if you are having this called a lot then you have to be lurching toward the ball set up deep and let it come to you

  12. Back up or do not extend your arm
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