
Softball question??? please helpp!!!??

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okayy when im at bat i make contact 90% of the time but all the balls i hit are on the ground right to somebody. i hit them HARD but they always make the plays and im not the fastest runner so i never beat it out. I DONT SWING DOWN and I DONT HIT THE TOP OF THE BALL. i hit it right on the nose but on the ground. what do i do? my dad said im doing something with my top hand (im a righty) but idk how to fix this. pleaseeeeeeeeeeee help.




  1. Too bad Derek Jeter doesnt give a $hit. He cares more about me.

    Long story.

  2. Hey girly! Well hitting the ball hard and on the ground is always better than popping up! Like someone mentioned, you're chopping at the ball. You're hitting on top of it, that's why all of your balls are getting hit hard on the ground. If you slice the ball right through the middle, you'll be hitting line drives, and if you hit the bottom part of the ball (which really means you're dropping your right shoulder) then you'll always pop up.

    A tee is a really good rescource. I can recommend another really great drill that helps you keep your swing nice and level. Please bare with me, I've never explained this drill over the internet, so I will try my best to explain it as clearly as I can so that it makes sense.

    Get a stake, one thats like 3 feet tall. Using a hammer, drive the stake into the ground (maybe about 5 feet away from a cyclone fence) then tie one end of a bungee cord to the stake. Get some whiffle balls (you can use 5 or 6)  and string a few on the bungee cord (kind of like you're putting beads on a necklace). Then stretch and tie the other end of the bungee cord to the cyclone fence. When you're all done setting it up, it will look as if you set up a mini-bridge.

    What you want to do is practice hitting the wiffle balls so that they glide quickly and smoothly across the bungee cord (without the bungee cord moving). If you hit the wiffle ball right in the middle (that is, if you're swinging nice and level) it will do just that, but if you hit the top or bottom of the ball, the bungee cord will start to shake and wave rapidly and it will not 'glide' across the bungee chord at all.

    Well anyways, I hope this helps!

  3. When you make contact with the ball make sure your top hand stays strong. pretend that you are shaking hands, your fingers should point down (if they weren't holding a bat) and your palm should be facing the pitcher.  Also concentrate on hitting the center of the ball. I like to say cut the ball in half.  Hope this helps

  4. alright. have you tried hitting off of a tee?  I had the same problem.  I didn't think i was swinging down either until i took a video of all of my at bats and realized i was "chopping" at the ball.  I don't know how you hold the bat but don't wrap your entire hand around it.  Line up your knuckles(in the middle of you fingers) and hold the bat kind of loose.  The main thing is to relax.  Don't dip your shoulder and keep your feet on the ground as much as possible.  It just takes a lot of practice.  i used to go outside and hit off of a tee into a net for an hour or two.  Start slowly and really focus on your swing. practice practice practice.  try the videos as well.

    good luck

  5. Lets be real. If you hit the ball HARD 90% of the time, you will have many many base hits. No defense, especially a high school softball team makes the plays EVERY time. If you are really hitting too many ground balls that are not hits its probably because you are not really hitting them that hard.

    Check your posture. You might be leaning into pitches a bit too much and thus hitting off the handle.You could also be moving your head and thus your eyes too much causing you to miss the center of the ball.  

  6. email mark grace of the dbacks

  7. don't think at the plate.

    see the ball, hit the ball.

    that simple.

    Good luck and have fun

  8. Hey, hitting the ball on the ground is not always a bad thing.  It's much better than popping up or flying out, but if you really need help, try shortening your stride.  About the hands, I would have to see your swing to know exactly what's wrong, but your top hand might be twisted upward too much.  Really focus on taking your hands to the ball, and see what happens.  

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