
Softball umps?

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lets take a vote who absolutly hates softball umps bcuz 95% of them suck i love it when i got 1 of those 5% but ugh the 95% dont know anything sorry if ur an ump but if ur a good one come ump my games cuz i never get good ones




  1. That's why I'm not an ump anymore.  90% of the players don't know the rules.  (How many think you get "one base on an overthrow"?)  None of them realize that making calls is like hitting balls--you can train yourself to recognize situations, but you can't expect umpires to be error free any more than you can expect that level of skill from players.  

    I have seen some really bad umps, but I've been on all sides of this one--player, ump, and manager--so I give the umps a little slack.  Argue politely, and be willing to walk away and let him think about it.  I've had an ump reverse himself on the field for me--but that requires a high level of civility, correctness, and luck to happen.  (The reversal was over rules application--I don't ask an ump to reverse judgment, I just shake my head when they are blind.)

  2. I have coached fastpitch for over 12 years. During that time i have saw some wild calls. you have good umpires as well as bad ones. a lot of coaches say that a bad call from an ump lost them the game. b.s.  one bad call, one girl striking out or error in the field has cost games before but that is not the norm. look back at the entire game. if you are a player did you do everything you could do to win the game (remember it's the little things that count). as a coach did you have your team prepared for every situation. did you coach your player to not get behind in the count or were you secretly hoping she would get a walk and the close pitch went to the pitcher. one of the things i teach my pitchers is if the ump gives you the outside corner, place the next pitch a little further outside and see if you get that call too. if you know how to approach an ump they are just another tool to use in your game winning arsenal. try this in a game. the umpire is giving the opposing pitcher 2 inches off the plate. in between innings tell the ump that even though you think the pitch is too far out you think he/she is doing a great job realizing the pitcher is hitting that same spot over and over again. the ump will either give the outside pitch to your pitcher or will make the opposing pitcher catch more of the plate next inning. either way it is a win win situation for you . or the next time you don't get the close call at first have your first base coach say " that was a close play I really appreciate the way you positioned yourself to make the call " .  bet you two to one that your team gets the next close call.  or you can always show your butt on every close call and then you won't get any close plays the rest of the game/tournament. your attitude toward the umpires can and will direct the outcome of games. sometimes for the sake of your players you have to protest bad calls. I am just saying choose your battles wisely. its hard to help your team win if you are sitting in the parking lot lol

  3. i think ive only had like 3 good umps though the at least 9 years of playing.

    some dont even know the rules.

    i hate it.

    or they dont pay attention to the play and miss something.

    but i guess you just have to live though it and just play,

  4. I've been playing for 24 years and have seen some awful umps.  I guess the best way to approach the issue is to find a league with quality umps and stick with it (my league actually runs a winter clinic for softball officials in the region, so we know we found a place that at least knows the rules and enforces them consistently).  I'd say that more than half of our officials are very good, know the rules, pay attention and admit when they miss a play.  They also bring some humor into the game.  After all, this is a rec league and a way to loosen up a little after work.  A few are less than perfect, but we tolerate them.  By the way, by near-universal agreement, the leagues best umpire is the leagues only female umpire.
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