
Software for game hacking?

by  |  earlier

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what are some must-have tools for hacking _singleplayer_ computer games and other computer programs? (NOT ILLEGAL!!! DO NOT FLAG!!!)

i have python, hex workshop, cheat engine, mhs, kiki, injector, reshacker, wpe pro, and some other little things

what other programs should i have to be sure i'm covered for any game? what programming languages should i know?

anything else i need?

thanks in advance, and DO NOT FLAG!!!




  1. Whats the point in being pathetic & childish and hacking other people? Just play responsibly and dont act so smart!

  2. I would go with x86 assembly. Yes, it is not easy, light years from python but if you really put your mind on it you will quickly find out that it is quite simple (every command makes very small thing, like goes to some other memory address, adds one, multiply etc). Also I'm guessing that after learning it you have good future in some sort of software development (and/or cracking/hacking/reverse engineering)

    If you will feel that disassembling x86 programs is too big step you should start by writing some other assembly code. You could start programming micro controllers (AVR, PIC, ...), it is easier, you will get something that works, you will learn probably faster, you will get interesting hobby and good skills for job hunting.

    Of course there might be something that you can do with high level programming languages like C, but I'm pretty sure that Python in this case is useless.

    Good Luck

  3. 697F 8520 7871 8675 2071 207C 7F84 2084 7F20 7C75 7182 7E3C 2057 8271 8383 787F 7070 7582 3E20 5920 8779 8378 2089 7F85 2087 757C 7C20 7F7E 2089 7F85 8220 7A7F 8582 7E75 893E

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