
Soil to newspaper?

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i was told multiple times to use newspaper instead of soil for a corn snake so i switched it the pet sore recommended soil they didnt have an idea what they were doing im switching to aspen when i can but is newspaper a better idea?




  1. Keep it News paper aspen will not only be alot harder to clean but the snake can choke on it when he's feeding dont use soil.... stupid *** pet stores he can get mites from the soil less you get it at the pet store but it is still harder for you to clean that and it will cost you more money.

  2. soil is hard to clean and will develop bugs. newspaper is cheap and easy to clean. big dog doesn't know what he's talking about if he thinks newspaper ink will make your snake sick

  3. news paper is best aspen is second. its really up to you.paper is almost sterile . aspen gives the corns something to burrow in.

  4. newspaper is the worse of the two the inks can run off onto your snake and get it sick.

  5. use aspen ....

  6. newspaper cna be tricky as it has ink in it, but i would use paper towel!

    it's cheap and easy to clean and won't cause any harm to your corn snake.

    you can use soil, but it is harder to clean if you don't have a planted tank, also if you are feeding in the same tank there is the possibility of them striking, missing and getting a mouth full of dirt, with can be swallowed causing impaction later on.

    again, if you use aspen you will need to feed in a seperate tank with either papertowel or no substrate.

    but newspaper is safe for the most part, i would just recomend paper towel. it's softer too!

    good luck!

  7. Forget what the pet store says. They're not in the business of keeping reptiles, they're in the business of moving (selling) reptiles and don't keep them long enough to know or worry about what's best.

    News paper is best because it's cheap enough to replace eliminating the need to clean the substrate. It also poses no threat of impaction or toxic poisoning like cedar chips do.

    Aspen chips are alright, but you have to spot clean frequently and replace it occasionally. It's better not to feed the snake on aspen to avoid any being swallowed.
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