
Solar eclispe tomorrow?

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does this affect leos more than others because the moon and sun is in leo and i got to thinking and well i was wondering if i was going to moreso affected then normal b/c my moon and sun is in leo




  1. where can we see this eclipse? In all usa?

  2. not possible to see lunar eclipse in us for long time

  3. Hi Jo

    The solar eclipse falling in conjunction or in opposition to natal Moon /Sun will affect those person more in the form of changes to come. It often gives the change to do something that you couldn't do before and that now, would be the time to do it.

    For the majority of us, it will not affect us. For others, certain health issues can be of concerned.

    If you have Sun/Moon in Leo, YES, you will feel changes, or certain health issues that need atending.

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