
Solar power? anyone changed to this?

by  |  earlier

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im wanting check into solar power and wanting your ideas on how to do it and change to this.what can u run on it and where to buy this stuff?thanks




  1. You need to be aware of one thing, you need a permit from your city to convert your home to solar energy.  Approval from the city and your local power company is required to sign off on this conversion.

  2. You mean changing your entire household power to solar power? That's going to be mighty expensive.

    I don't have an answer to your question as to what can run on it and where to buy it. However...I did want to make a comment. Consider the size of the solar panel on something like a little solar calculator. Most of them are about half of an inch to an inch long, and roughly a quarter of an inch in width. This is just to power something that runs off from a little button battery.

    Now consider the power that your washer, dryer, t.v., all of your lights, your ac/heating system run on. Realistically...half of your roof would have to be a complete solar panel, at the very least. I'm more tempted to say that it would take a solar panel the size of your entire roof to run everything for a typical household. A solar panel that size...I have no idea exactly how much it would cost. It would definitely have to be custom built and custom fitted/wired for your house, of course.

    A panel that big would probably cost something like $20,000+.

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