
Sold six self published books so far? Is this a pretty good number for a young author?

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Seventeen. Within one month I have sold six self-published books. One of Keeping the Faith, a book about my life experience in Juvenile Hall, and 5 copies of A Sun in the Horizon, where five friends develop a deep bond facing numerous obstacles. View A Sun in the Horizon here:




  1. I am almost forty and have never sold a darn thing.  Of course, I'm only just now starting to try to sell my writing for the first time.  Selling books--even self-published books--at 17 is a great start, if you ask me.  I wish I'd have started that young.  If I had, I'd be making a living at it by now, I'm sure.

    Keep at it.  Keep improving.

  2. That's really good and you might want to send your books of to a roper publisher in order for more people to read them and to make more money.

    I think at 17 you need to decide if you'd like to write more books and get them published or you could get these published and while doing so you could write others.

  3. That's great, considering you're so young!

    Keep writing, I hope you'll be really successful one day :)

  4. Wow!  I don't even know you, but I am very proud of you.  The fact that you have stuck with your writing and are pursuing it at such a young age is inspiring.  Keep it up and I hope to see you on the bestsellers list one day!  

  5. i think you should be proud of yourself and keep writing.

  6. Thats really good :)

  7. That's just great good job

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