
Soldiers at home: When citizens see you and stop, and stare at you,mouth agape, what do you think of the them?

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I'm an extremely shy person, and my son, who is 10 has his moments of it, too. We often see Navy, and Marines, mostly when we walk about here, near San Diego, and we've got this habit, both of us, where we want to say hi, shake hands, say a thank you, but we sometimes freeze, well, mostly me, but for me, afraid you all will think I'm silly, or insincere. I usually make my son say something, if he isn't too nervous. I guess I am mostly afraid, what I might say would be thought of by you, as weird, and prattling. So I freeze. I'll really respect you, guys, and gals, but I'm also afraid I'd bug you with my going on and on teeling you how I feel about you. Wouldn't that bug you? Here, it's easier to say it online, and not test the waters, as it were.

I love you, thank you, and would you find my son, and I silly if we were to stop you on the street, and ask you a million questions?

Or should we continue to stop and stare in awe?




  1. Nobody in the military is going to snub you for stopping them and thanking them for their service to this great country. Furthermore, most are happy to entertain and respond to questions about their service.

    You said you live in the San Francisco area, and as a matter of fact, there are many SEALs stationed there as well as Marines and other Naval forces. SEALs will be thrilled to have you thank them, but may be unable to answer certain questions pertaining to assignments and details about deployment, but they will be happy to answer general military questions for you or your son.

    Fear is the enemy and overcoming it in any circumstances will always have benefits.

    You will never be thought of as "weird" or "silly" for your forward attempts to greet and meet soldiers from any branch.

    You will be respected for your support, decency and honest inquiries.

  2. when i join i would love to hear you're questions in such that time of thing comes with the job i guess you could say.

    ask them what you want they are proffesnals not jerks!

  3. Most soldiers appreciate a simple THANKS.

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