
Soldiers in iraq???????

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why do some people hate them? and post hate mail about them on youtube, and stuff about how they should die?




  1. I think that hating anyone in the military should be considered as a traitor.  I don't agree with the war, but I agree with our military.  Of course there are going to be a few bad soldiers, but that's what happens when anyone is allowed to join.  Just because there are a few bad teachers in America doesn't mean you shouldn't send your child to school.  The people that hate soldiers don't realize that soldiers just do as they are told.  Once you join the military, they own you.  They chose where you will live, what you do, and even who you can marry (if they are not a US resident).  So as for soldiers killing people, you will do that if you are instructed to do so.  If you don't do as you are told, you can lose a whole month's pay in the least.  I know that most soldiers with families can't afford to lose that much money. (It's not like it's a lot to begin with, but most Americans don't understand that either.)  I think that those who hate are just extremely ignorant.  Instead of trying to learn and understand (because that would take some amount of effort), they just choose the easiest option, hatred.

  2. I believe that people hate us because they see one or two events, like abu ghraib, the puppy tossing incident, or haditha and assume that we are rolling through Iraq and indiscriminately killing, robbing and raping, and the news channels only show this stuff because it sells, they do not show us doing the great things we do over there.  That doesnt sell, and its sad.  You have to look at the size of the population in the military.  We are such a small percentage of the entire population that one or two bad apples will seem like such a large percentage and encompass us all, making it far more easy for those who don't want us in iraq and afghanistan to use us as political fodder.  

  3. Because people love to hate people that are greater than themselves. Soldiers are the embodiment of greatness. They are disciplined, loyal, brave and selfless. You can't say that about a lot of people.  

  4. because lot of people are against killing no matter what side you are on.

    And not all soldiers are wonderful as people think. If that were the case, then you wouldn't hear about that 14 year old Iraqi girl getting raped and then her whole family getting killed by a soldier.

  5. They're envyous.

  6. Because they are ignorant and uneducated.

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