
Soldiers only-how many of you would fire upon Americans if told to do so.?

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To what extent would you remain absolutely loyal to the Administration regardless of party affiliation assuming an insurrection of citizens and a majority of public support were on a side other than the Federal Governments? Would you weight the likelihood of disinformation by that government or would you blindly follow orders by them.




  1. It would have to be decided by the rules of war and the situation at that time.Party affiliation would have no weight on my decision to fire my weapon. Safty of civilians is a factor during war.

  2. The american military is never supposed to be used in the United States for military action.

    Here's a quote:  In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all men are created equal" and "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights," while governments derive their "powers" from the consent of the governed. The Constitution and Bill of Rights repeatedly refer to the "rights" of the people and to the "powers" of government.

    The government is supposed to be the will of the people not just the ones in charge. I think it was the marines many years back asked the same question. They found out that not many would and that most would abandon their post to serve with the Americans and not the military might.

    I think it was Jefferson who wrote this one to. I fear a government who fears a armed populace. Or one from Franklin, "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor Safety." Its a shame that most are willingly giving up their essential liberties, thinking that they become safer.

    Oh, my answer is no by the way.

  3. We are soldiers not robots.  We can figure things out for ourselves.  If the order is given to fire upon our fellow citizens it had better be for a d**n good reason.  

    It is our duty to disobey an unlawful oder as much as it is to obey a lawful one.

  4. It depends if they are a threat. If so drop him, if not just apprehend him. And yeah there better be a d**n good reason for that order.

  5. i would shoot anyone who is gonna shoot me or my buddies, if that american your talking about is gonna shoot me or my guys your d**n right im dropping him

  6. well i'm not american and i would certainly not shoot anyone unless there a threat to me or my buddies(self defense is natural)its either shoot or get shot...i was a guardsmen before and we definitely have to follow orders given by superiors but still there must be a hella good reason why i should shoot someone down...i've never killed anyone and intend not to..

    i will never hold a rifle in my hand peace is whut we humans need now..killin and suffering should stop for good,no more war..

  7. Just because we are soldiers does not mean we do not know how to think and reason. We follow lawful orders and are obliged to disobey and report unlawful orders. If the military was called upon to quell an insurrection, then that means Martial Law has been declared and that would only get approved under extreme circumstances. With that being said, we did swear to defend the United States and uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    However, your question is irrelevant because the Government is made up of ELECTED officials and the public elects those officials. You really think they would put the military against the civilian population that elects them?

    We can play the "what if" game all day long, and in the end it will accomplish nothing except start arguments.

  8. Innocent Americans? Well no

  9. im not a soldier, as i enlisted in the marines, but, in the USMC, you are taught to follow every order given, unless it is illegal or morally wrong.

    if the order is illegal, you can disobey this without fear of consequence. If my order was to shoot at unarmed americans who are protesting, or exercising their rights, i would not follow it, as would the vast majority of marines.

    If my order was to shoot a child in a suicide vest, who posed no danger to civilians, my unit, or allied forces, i would use judgement and object to this.

    If you do not like the fact that the president, by the powers of the united states constitution, is the commander and chief of the military, write your congress men and woman and ask them to amend the constitution.

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