
Soldiers overseas, why does it take so long for your votes to be counted and recognized in election times?

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I get that you all have to mail them from bases you're at, right? But I am thinking about the election with George W Bush, and Al Gore, when "somebody" tried to discount your votes, and say they were late so shouldn't be counted, in Florida.

Well we know that isn't right, so why does the government not send you all your ballots early, so you can get them in, and no one can say they arrived too late for the election?

Makes me want to kick some body's butt, for trying to discount your votes, when to me, because of what you do, your vote is vitally more important than a dirt-bag who protests Troops!

What say you all?




  1. If you remember what libs tried to do to the military ballots from Florida in 2000, its a wonder that many of them are counted at all.

  2. I'm guessing you are not in the military based on your question, so let me help you understand the process.

    Its up to the individual servicemember to mail his or her absentee ballot in a timely manner.  The sooner my ballot hits the mailbox, the sooner it gets to my election commissioner.  Its also free to mail it, so lack of a stamp is no excuse.

    Please do not create trouble where there isn't any.  There are enough real problems to worry about.   Unemployment in my home state is at 6.9%.  Demand at the local foodbank has doubled but donations are down.  Violence in schools is on the rise.  These are the things that keep me awake at night.  

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