
Sole custody and termination of parental rights

by Guest63936  |  earlier

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Has anyone been through this process? I am going to ask the SD to sign his parental rights over to me making the sole custodial parent.. Where do I find the forms for the state California? If you have done this could you tell me a bit about the experience?




  1. human resources, childrens aid, hospitals(where ur baby is born/going to be born), social services. they should beable to help you out(sorry im not in the state of california but im going thru the same, and i got my forms from human resources where u can apply anything for children) all forms are there.. hope it helped.  

  2. Ok, well i went through this last August. My sons dad called me one day wanting to terminate his rights because he was $4000 behind in child support. He never had anything to do with my son, at all. Its not easy getting the Dad to terminate his rights. He has to be willing to do it. And you even have to go to court for it. When he told me that, i went and found a good lawyer and paid her $1500 and she got the paperwork ready and he came in and signed them with no hesitation. The court will have to prove you fit, job home car all that stuff. And you have to have a reason why hes terminating, not signing them over to another guy. Its easier if you have another man in your life who he could just sign rights over to. But its possible you can get it done, but its a long drawn out process. After he terminates his rights, you cannot receive child support and his name will be taken off the birth certificate. But it will say on the bottom that the fathers name was taken off. I live in Alabama. So i don't know how your laws are in Cali. But i hope the best for you and good luck. Just be willing to raise the child on your own, completely.

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