
Soliciting the Opinion of Women With Regard to Climate Change?

by Guest61465  |  earlier

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Made to laugh to read the note I received this morning about a conference in Manila soliciting women`s ops on climate change as there is so little fem op on this issue.

There is so little fem op on any issue because the chauvs who run the media and the governments refuse to listen to anyone but their self-destructive counterparts.

The woman running for Mayor of London on the Green Party ticket hardly got a look-in and I know prior to the primaries whilst several publications considered supporting my own candidacy it did not materialise.

What is being done to the world is being done without the consent of women and when women are included in decisionmaking positions, they are always the ones with whom the chauvs feel safest.

If Hilly Clinton does make it into the White House (and I sure hope she does) possibly she`ll establish some precedent for women`s issues and align things simply around the wants and needs of wives and mothers.

Hey, Hil, got a job for me?




  1. What part of "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen with a zipped lip" don't you understand?

  2. A womens opinion as regard to climate change??? You mean that genre of species that can not cohabitate in a house without CONSTANTLY ratcheting the thermostat UP and DOWN?

    You mean that creature that is INFAMOUSLY known for "hot flashes" will have an OPINION on global warming.  GMAFB.

    It is NOT yet considered a fact that global warming (if it can be called that) is in fact man made or not. This preemptive c**p about the consensus of scientific opinion being overwhelming is just more Algore drivel. It IS NOT the majority consenses, not by a long shot.

    SO, fly down to Rio, or wherever this conference will be held, and chat up your newly found GGF's (global girlfriends)  and after you have gotten all the scoop and data on the latest cosmetics and WBW (who's banging who)  fly back home and iron me a shirt.

  3. What???

    I though ole' Maggie Thatcher started this whole politicized scam!  Clinton in the White House will certainly make all men and women equal....equally poor.  That's the "beauty" of socialism.

  4. there will anyway be sexists in comapnies and that will remain. the most hilary can do is give "grassrootdevelopement loans" to women that want to start a business probably.

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