
Solid foods at 3 months?

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My son is 14 weeks old and weighs over 13 pounds. He was 4lbs 5oz and birth so he has basically tripled his birthweight. He can hold his head up and sits up supported. Today I tried giving him a tiny bit of rice cereal and he sucked it up he didn't even spit it out. I'm at a crossroad because I wasn't planning on giving him solid food til he was at least 4 months old, but he seems to want it. He eats over 32 ounces of formula a day. 8 feedings at 5-6oz and still is not satisified and gets up every 3 hours. What should I do?

My little girl is so not ready, she is only 11 pounds 5 oz and seems to be satisfied with her bottle so I am not going to start her until she seems interested.




  1. The American Association of Pediatricians recommends waiting until at least 6 months before introducing solid foods.  However, if your son seems to be interested in starting solid foods at 3 months or he isn't satisfied with his bottle then you can talk to his pediatrician about starting him early and see what they recommend.  

  2. I say if the child wants solids, then feed him solids.  Provided that he is over 3 months old, then he will be fine - he obviously isn't getting enough out of liquids alone.

  3. Yes if he is still hungry give him a little not too much though. My daughter was the same at around the same age a sloppy teaspoonful of cereal twice a day worked magic.  

  4. Twins? Congratulations!

    His digestive system just can't be ready at this age. It really is very early. In my mind it's better to err on the side of too late than too soon. Extra formula won't hurt him, but too much food or too early can cause digestive upsets, allergies and has even been linked to type 2 diabetes and coeliacs disease.

    He seems healthy, happy and strong - well done mama! But there's no rush to get him on solid food. Try giving him another feed or two a day. Some babies are just hungry little monkeys.  It could be a growth spurt, which is common at his age. In which case he will be extra hungry for a few days then settle back down to eating just a little more than before.

    Good luck.

  5. if he didnt spit it up and was able to eat it and has no problems digesting the food then go on ahead start feeding him solid food

  6. If your son is ready for solids at 3 months then give it to him.  Don't always go by what the text books say.

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