
Solids during the day?

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My baby takes a bottle every 3 to 4 hours, usually before a nap. I'm unsure when is the best time during his wakeful period to give him solids.

I know to watch his cues but he doesn't give cues much for the solid stuff, only when he's ready for his bottle.




  1. When I started my daughters off on solids, I started with the Rice cereal and I did it after their morning feed.  So, they'd wake around 8am, nurse and then I'd get myself breakfast and make their breakfast around 8:30 or 9am.

    When I started on the Oatmeal cereal, I kept up with the rice in the morning and gave them their "lunch" after their first nap of the day.  They would normally sleep from about 10am - 12pm, they would wake up nurse and have some lunch.

    After they had all three cereals introduced and I moved onto veggies, I would give them lunch of veggie sometimes mixed with the rice cereal and then for dinner I'd offer some barley or oatmeal.  Their dinner time was with the family after their afternoon nap, after they nursed.

    After I introduced more new veggies and fruits they were having a veggie or fruit or veggie and fruit with their cereal every meal.  Then when the mixed meat foods were introduced, cereal pretty much was only for breakfast and as a snack before bedtime.

    Good luck!

  2. I would start with breakfast.  You may have to give him a bottle upon waking for the first few weeks, but eventually it will be breakfast first.  After a month or so start lunch.

  3. Doesn't really matter.  You don't say how old he is, but if he's under 7-9 months, solids once or twice a day is plenty. (And if he's under 5-6 months, no solids at all.)

    It makes sense to offer new solids early in the day, so if he has  a bad reaction you won't be up all night.  But once you know he tolerates a particular food well, whenever is convenient is fine. Solids won't make him sleep longer at night, so don't feel the need to offer at bedtime. DO be sure to always offer his bottles first, and follow with solids. That way he'll take all the milk he needs rather than filling up on less nutritious babyfood.

    It's just for fun until 9-12 months, so whatever works for you and your baby  is fine.

  4. I started w/ only a breakfast solid.  I gave my daughter a small bottle w/ the solid b/c she didn't eat much in the beginning.  that way you have all day to watch him to make sure there is no allergy.

  5. I would base the solid foods feeding around when you are getting your meals so he gets used to eating when the rest of your family is eating.

  6. give him solids before bed and before naps, he will sleep longer.
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