
Solo backpacking throuhg south east asia dec - feb? <span title="thailand/vietnam/cambodia/laos">thailand/vietnam/cambodia...</span> & kuala lumpur

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hi just wondering what these places are like solo backpacking and whether you have any tips

i leave in december and come back mid february

has anyone else here travelled solo before? i am a bit nervous as i havent

is it very easy to pick up/have s*x with other backpackers etc (not prostitutes)

what are some fun things to do (apart from s*x which i plan on doing a lot of anyway lol)

thanks all

love rooster




  1. nothing to worry about i went backpacking solo and with someone in all the countries your planning on going except laos. vietnam is worth seeing for maybe 2 or 3 days is enough same KL not much to see or do.

    Thailand and cambodia are great places to visit for single men. if your going to phnom penn well worth visiting martinis and the walkabout bar.. walkabout also has cleans air con rooms for $10 to $30 for the best room with jacuzzi.. spoilt for choice for things to do in Thailand from scuba diving, elephant trekking, tiger temple and a lot more.a few days in bangkok is enough

    Vietnam chu chi tunnels is good and also boat trip on the mekong delta which stops off in the jungle where u see coconut candy being made.

    Cambodia.. angkor wat temple, the killing fields is not to be missed and you can shoot rocket launchers ak47&#039;s and throw hand grenades into the water.

    KL you can go to the highlands to the waterfall and jungle its alott cooler then the city which is hot and humid

    Im sure its fairly easy to pick up other backpackers.. you will meet a lot of other backpackers on your travells

  2. don&#039;t ask what the food is before you try it. lol

  3. Go to khaosan road. I have a great friend name henry from England and always help him through stuffs. December is good time to travel indeed. Hey maybe you atre interested in joining a private raft party with us in oozebar. you can leave message on guestbook. I&#039;ll be back to Thailand in september and for sure can give you some good suggestion Henry survive many ladyboys and prostitudes by my recommandation haha.

    Anyway lad,go to khaosan road and tryyy not to be an a*****e or too much up your asses...we hate those kind of people so look at meee kind a guy it&#039;s not nice. Just walking around khaosan road you will find many backpack already :)

  4. You bet.  Read this exchange between two backpackers for tips on hooking up. It really is a lonely planet.

    Fun things to do is driving the car on the wrong side of the road, eating bugs, drinking too much and making fun of Thai police,

  5. All those countries are great for solo backpacking as there are a lot of others doing the same thing.

    2 or 3 days is not enough time for Vietnam, especially if you&#039;re going to be traveling for 3 months.  Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City doesn&#039;t need more than 2 or 3 days, but if you make your way North like to the city of Hue and up to Hanoi, you&#039;ll see a lot of amazing places.  Definitely do the DMZ Tour in Hue.  It&#039;s amazing.  Plus, they have several other tours you can take around the city.

    I would dedicate a month to Thailand.  There is so much to see and do there.  In Bangkok, you should definitely stay on Kao San Road, it&#039;s filled to the brim with backpackers like yourself.  If you really want to get some action from other backpackers/travellers, go to Phi Phi Island.  That&#039;s pretty much all anyone does there is party at the plethora of bars and get naked with each other.  Other than s*x, Thailand has a LOT to offer.  Scuba diving is amazing off of Phuket and pretty decent at Phi Phi, particularly the Similan Islands, rock climbing is awesome and beautiful in Railay Beach, definitely rent a motor scooter if you go to Phuket or any of the other islands, except for Phi Phi, no motorized vehicles there.  Bangkok has a lot of temples and things to see.

    We haven&#039;t been to the north yet, but Chiang Mai is supposed to be spectacular.

    Thailand is just awesome, so many things to do and people to meet.  You&#039;ll have a great time there.

    As for Kuala Lumpur, it&#039;s decent.  We spent 3 days there and I think that was plenty.  Our favorite part of Malaysia is across the sea on the Borneo side, much much better than peninsular Malaysia.

    Anyway, hope that helps and enjoy your trip!

    Also, some other good websites to go to for advice and information are or  People blog about their vacations, so you can get a better idea of things to do.

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