
Solo help please?

by Guest45022  |  earlier

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i am doing a solo to rob thomas song all that i only 12 and i just dont like the song for my solo i feel its just a bit old for me and im just not getting into it i think its a bit sad.i dont want to hurt my teachers feelings but i have all ready learnt all the dance what should i do please help.




  1. depends on whenever you are doing your solo, if there is enough time go ahead and ask if you can change it. Explain that you feel right doing it and if they try to convince you otherwise tell them no i want to do another song and maybe have other songs with you to be prepared to suggest them. suggest songs that you like and want to do. I know a lot about this because i recently did a duet with my sister and we are in a choir and the song was a little odd.

  2. i think it could be a really cool dance, so i would just put up with it for now

  3. come up with a new song with a new dance routine.

  4. Okay, firstly, your teacher is there to help you. Talk to him/her and explain your problem. Get them away from your other classmates and tell them that you are feeling uncomfortable dancing to that song and it's too old for you. If you are not connecting to the song then most likely your performance will fall.

    Maybe try to find some other songs yourself before approaching your teacher that is in the similar tempo/beat as the rob thomas song and see if your routine can fit to the new song. If it is, talk to your teacher about changing the song.

    But I'm sure your teacher wouldn't mind changing some steps if you do agree to change it.

    I hope this helps you. I totally understand about not being able to connect with songs teachers pick. I know it’s frustrating sometimes.

    **** Luck! =)
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