
Solution for overpopulation?

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so, i'm doing another essay again, and this time, its about what would be able to be changed in society(any time period) would be a solution to overpopulation?

some examples would be having "pro-suicide hotlines," cannibalism, praise/reward for abstainence, use of condoms.

stuff like that. any ideas, whether serious or not, would be greatly appreciated




  1. well i always imagined what would happen if lets say all of a sudden an over populated country, all of their people were teleported to a country that has more land and the people in the country that had lots of land but not so much population were transported to the overpopulated country... idk.

  2. All poisonous and dangerous animals put in a petting zoo, taking off 5 out of every 10 male babies balls off, child abuse, free drugs with recyclable needles, release of black plague, acid in pools, worship of ancient incan gods wanting sacrifice.... And all that good stuff.

    Oh, and more pollution. Getting Mother Nature pissed will surely wipe out half of the earth <3

  3. Sterilization for males.

  4. there was this old twilight zone episode in which anyone who is not contributing to society is killed. thats how the world should work. of course i'd be dead by now but still

  5. Population is monitored by us humans with technological advances and by biology.

    The current population has been on a constant decline since 1964 the end of the baby boom... which was a biological reaction to war, and a personal intention due to individual prosperity

    Far from working for us cutting the population would work against us - what we are faceing is an ageing (high needs) population supported by a very small workforce and the need for more children...

    We also have numerous 'unsustanable systems*' that practically rule our lives, sheerly by thier complete inadaqaucys....

    Cannabilism is very realistic considering the lack of information and the rationing on petrol and food... but is it the amount or the leadership thats the cause?

    *Sewage, irragation, power, social structure, transport, nutrican supply, Construction.

    next time you take a walk, note the empty propertys... and the underoccupied space... and wonder why the stupid sods after years of educational reasearch in ergonomics and systems still put zebra crossings on roundabouts, how dangerous are they?

    Eddie china systematically selected male sperm, culled female offspring and are now left with a pack of bored pre adult males... maybe less population than predicted but it's still not ideal, predictable i suppose the abundance of western women will develop a taste for a chinese toy?

  6. 1.  Instead of having dependents on your taxes to reduce your tax, your dependents would increase your income tax.

    2.  Limit the size of the family.

    3.  Incentives for a small family:  allowed to live in a better neighborhood, qualify for a higher paying job, access to better schools.

  7. limit to one child per family like China did

  8. Understanding there is no problem.It is a scam to depopulate earth for the elite bloodlines.  

  9. Birth Control.

  10. Perhaps nature will correct itself. Before the New World was discovered disease was reducing the population of many over crowded regions and plagues were controlling the problems to some extent.  Today we have not reached the population density that Europe once knew and we still have quite a way to go.  Will we someday get there and see tens of millions die. Perhaps.

  11. china has taken a truly grand effort to reduce population as we all know. restricting to one child though has the country in a dilemma of overpopulaed govt run orphanages. s maybe that isnt a cure. However if the rule was one child and one alone, whether male or female, the alternatives could lead to higher crime rates. so maybe the best way is to offer better benefits for those with less children, lower taxes, and maybe even better social security. it would make a huge diff in america

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