
Solution for sleeping problem?

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in the morning i feel more tired then when i went to bed... it's very bad for my school program which involves waking up at 6 am.

solutions anyone??? medical advice, or previous experiences, everything is welcomed...

p.s. please don't tell me about going to seek for professional help. that is thw whole reason for putting this question up!!!




  1. Hi

    I have sleeping problems too.Many of my friends have suggested chamomile tea I always forget to use it but I tried it and it works.I was also told that exercising before bed keeps you up longer( I am not so sure about that).I was also told that staying in the same room for too long then trying to fall asleep in that room isn't  a good idea because you spent too much time in that room so it's like boring or something.

  2. Have s*x before going to bed.

  3. Are you going to bed early? Make sure you are getting at least 8 hrs...or are you going to bed too early and oversleeping? Perhaps you are missing some vitamins, maybe iron. Try to do something relaxing before going to bed (besides watching tv) like reading a book, take a hot bath, go on an evening walk, etc. I wouldn't advise taking an y sleep meds since you ave to be up so early they will probably make you groggy.

  4. Hi, I too have trouble falling asleep and can be up all hours of the night. I have tried herbal c**p from health shop, I've tried lavendar baths, I have tried everything.

    I can recommend if you go to the chemist/drug store and they sell over the counter "RESTAVIT", it aides in sleeping, start off by only having 1/2 tablet, they work really well, but I take 2, cause like I said 'I cant sleep, but that is due to medication'.

    Just start by taking it on the w'end just to see how it goes, as it will still make you feel groggy the next morning.

    Hope this has helped.

    Minny :-)

    Ps.  if you get some let me know you think.

  5. having cones before bed helps me when i don't i cant sleep

  6. Everyone has a different solution for this. eg. Eating heaps just before bed can make some people really sleepy, and not others. Warm milk may work occasionally or not. Physical exercise can wake you up or break you down. Reading can drain you or spark you up. Music the same. Generally its the ability to slow down an active brain at the end of the day that helps you nod off. Also a body that is physically exhausted at night can sleep easily. Who knows what you need? It could be anything. You go to school, get up at six. Sleep around 10 at the latest would be ideal, but then again, maybe later. If you come good after you get up feeling tired, then you might not even have a problem.

  7. i was suffering from same problem. i went for checking of vitamins. took b 12 vitamins by injection of METHYL COLABAMIN and take it every 15 daysx ur problerm will go in a6 months.

    for instant solutions u can drink milk one glass in night before going to sleep

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