
Solution to High Global Warming&Medical Care Cost for developed countries only. INFLATION. Who agrees with me?

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What is the #1 cause of high medical care:

1) Heart Disease.

What causes Heart Disease?

1) Consuming Junk Foods result to OBESE

What makes Japan and Norway the healthiest country ever?

1) Consume Healthy foods.

What is the #1 cause of Global Warming?

1) Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants

2) Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars

What is the solution to Global Warming and High Medical Care cost?


Inflation will change consumers spending behavior by:

1) Eat less foods. This will decrease our OBESE population.

2) Save Energy. We will be able to use less energy by car pooling, ride the public transportation, minimize the use of heater and A/C, minimize the use of wash/dryer, and many more.


Remember when we were a kid and MAMA always said eat veggies and turn off your light before going to bed. Maybe we should all become a kid once again and have MAMA tell us what to do. If we aren't spoiled, problems solved.





  1. While this is awkwardly written, you do have a point. Several actually.

    The reason health care is so expensive in America, well one of the reasons anyway, is that we have a wait till there's a problem mentality. We choose to wait until we have a massive heart attack and need surgery, rather than live healthful lifestyles. This results in higher medical costs and higher rates of insurance.

    We also live in a society where, due to government subsidies, the food that is the least healthy is also the least expensive, while natural foods that should be the least expensive are more expensive. Example: the dollar menu at a fast food restaurant would not exist in a open and free market, because the un-subsidized cost of raising beef is too high. We subsidize the meat, dairy, and grain producing farmers, but provide no such help to those who grow fruits and vegetables. This leads to dietary patterns that do the most damage to the planet and the human body.

    We also have created a culture that is entirely auto focused. Public transit, bike lanes, and adequate sidewalks are often pushed to the side to build superhighways and more convenient roads for cars to travel on. This again leads to increased environmental damage as more people are encouraged to get behind the wheel of a car, but also has contributed to an increasingly sedentary society.

  2. Does your father know that you are playing on his puter?  That is the most moronic thing that I have ever read here to date.

    Why don't you just line up all the poor people and the fat people since they don't fit within your liberal standards and gas em...  I mean that is what liberals would love to do anyway.  I mean, you guys killed Teri Schiavo simply because she was mentally disabled....

  3. You obviously don't pay for your own food.  An unhealthy dinner at McDonald's can be had for $5; while a healthy meal, either made at home or purchased, starts at $10.  Believe me, I go out of my way to eat healthy, and it is not even close to being cheaper than eating at some fast food restaurant.  Why do you think poor people tend to be fatter than the wealthy?  Gross, nasty, greasy foods are CHEAP.  (And It it has nothing to do with government subsidies; when you serve the lowest grade of everything, fried to a crisp, it is going to be cheap)

    The kind of inflation you are talking about will only cause death and destruction, as people result to murder and war to feed themselves.  It's happened before; look at WWII as an example of a nation crippled by inflation, that then turns to blame its hardships on others with force.

    Oh, and high health care costs are not caused by heart disease.  In fact, medical costs are hardly driven by standard economic factors at all.  They are driven more by insurance companies, which is MANDATED by the government.  If you want health care costs to go down, doctors should be allowed to practice medicine and patients should be allowed to receive care without the price fixing middle man.

  4. LOL!  High medical care cost IS inflation!!  Are you saying the problem is the solution?  

    I couldn't agree more...given the true problem is high demand caused by an aging population (boomers) and an insurance scheme that disassociates price and use.  Wider availability to medical treatment will only drive demand higher.  If prices can't rise naturally, supply will fall:  Less doctors, new drugs, nurses, equipment, etc.  The problem will solve itself in spite of government intervention.

    Global warming is caused by the sun.  The sun is unaffected by inflation.

    I'll not point out the rest of the errors in the assertions above, as they simply radiate from the errors already addressed.

  5. That could be the worst suggestion I have ever seen.  

    Lets all become monks and nuns - Maybe that will solve all the worlds problems or maybe it would just suck.

  6. Actually Stress is the main reason for heart problems, and I agree that people should eat healtheir however it is thier choice.  And americans sacrifice thier lives to ensure that freedom and who are you to think you know whats best for others.  If anything you need to grow up and accept others for who they are not who you want them to be.

  7. Do you have a life outside of Yahoo Answers?

  8. You're gonna grow up to be a great Liberal.

    FYI, obese people don't have a choice. It's NOT eating too much, a lot of us hardly eat. I LIKE veggies. And I haven't touched a potato chip in [at a guess] five years.

    And health care is about a LOT more than heart disease and diabetes.

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