What is the #1 cause of high medical care:
1) Heart Disease.
What causes Heart Disease?
1) Consuming Junk Foods result to OBESE
What makes Japan and Norway the healthiest country ever?
1) Consume Healthy foods.
What is the #1 cause of Global Warming?
1) Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants
2) Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars
What is the solution to Global Warming and High Medical Care cost?
Inflation will change consumers spending behavior by:
1) Eat less foods. This will decrease our OBESE population.
2) Save Energy. We will be able to use less energy by car pooling, ride the public transportation, minimize the use of heater and A/C, minimize the use of wash/dryer, and many more.
Remember when we were a kid and MAMA always said eat veggies and turn off your light before going to bed. Maybe we should all become a kid once again and have MAMA tell us what to do. If we aren't spoiled, problems solved.