
Solution to boredom??

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I just got foot surgery on both my feet and have to stay, for the most part, immobile for the next week. Any idea of stuff I can do??




  1. You could:

    *Read, call a friend or family member, watch old movies, knit, draw, write, study, play video games, do crossword puzzles, or maybe lift weights on your arms lol

    Sorry about your feet!

    Love Haleigh<3

  2. Video games, chatting online, listening to music, drawing, reading a new book, changing your myspace layout completely, surfing the net (have you tried it's a great time killer), etc.

  3. sleep learn how to play the piano eat and search for solutions to earthly problems such as global warming and extraterrestrial life next thing you know your foot can be all better and you'll have a normal life again.

  4. I like knitting, my mom taught me and I knitted myself a pretty cardigan when I lost my job and was home for a week once. You could write, organize your desktop or help out people me on yahoo answers when we get stuck on a problem! have fun  

  5. You could knit or cross stitch, watch an abundance of tv, read books, watch movies, talk on the phone, take a few naps... just try to enjoy your down time.  
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