
Solution to the bickering in Washington, DC?

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How about an 'unlikely' compromise?

Hillary President ?

Ron Paul Vice President. ?

At least hey will keep each other 'honest' in regard to what the people want. Both will have to move more to the centre.

Clinton and Paul have a lot more in common than is apparent.

And if they can reach a compromise on their differences, nearly everybody will be happy.

And the GOP as it is now will just fade away.




  1. Whatever you're drinking, I want some, ok?

    They are both nutcases.

    Electing two whackjobs that represent the worst of their parties will not fix anything.

    Thanks for the 2 points, though.

  2. the only solution aside from a biblical kjv style government (which will happen on a world scale, also known in some circles as the messianic zionist kingdom) is a true communist government, even so, come yeshua ha masheach,..we will stand with the democratic nominees and bash on hillary and still bash on the democrats and republicans for these two political entities have put us in this sorry state in which we currently live,..granted most of us can still eat and most of the time have shelter whenever we are not working as 'indentured servants' to the corporatist juggernaught feeding on the proletariate,..there are more of us who could form together in a cohesive front and put on the brakes and allow for reconsiliatory review of our domestic destabalization put on us by this democracy, hardly a republic anymore,..the federalist papers need to be reprinted and handed out to the people,..look at the last voting session, so many people do not vote, for one, they work and are working to pay bills, fines, insurance premiums, child care, judges and congress' increased wages, state and commonwealth employee wages, two, folx do not believe their vote makes a difference, but their non-vote does, three, some do not have time? to vote, four, look at those who do vote, could it be the ceos, managers, doctors, lawyers and the like who already keep you pinned down,..if you do not vote, just sit back smoke your hooch, drink your s-x on the beach, tap that vein, clear your nose, keep rolling grab your ankles and do not complain about what is coming,..there is a war on islamic terrorism for a reason, we will not live under sha'riah law, but they will try, with a fervor one sees at an nfl football game or world soccer tournaments and the such to bring the world to islam,..

    i e a e,..


  3. Interesting. Has that ever happened before...a prez & VP of opposing parties? Is that even allowed?

  4. Ummm...ok.

    I think the real answer, though....would be to sew all their mouths shut.  That's the only thing that will ever stop the bickering in DC.

  5. Uh, no

    Not now

    Not ever.

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