
Solutions for domestic violence against women?

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okay... Master B, first of all, women are naturally weaker than men so they get taken advantage of in other ways as well. What about men not lettig women get jobs less than 50 years ago?? it was still happening in the 70s so if men are getting bashed up they deserve it. and statistics say that women get bashed up more than men anyway!!!!!!!!




  1. Raising children to deal with issues in non-violent ways.

    Cheers :-)

  2. No greater solution than the following:

    -Make sure that you are marrying ONLY because of love

    -Make sure that so he is

    -Do not marry someone who will violent you, that long time when you are gf and bf is to get to know each other. Learn to read his psychological structure, and see how he reacts to things, and marry him until you feel safe.

    -Once married, make sure the relationship is based on love and respect, else it will fail.

    There is no other solution than to be careful with your choice of partner.

    No matter what the government does, there will be never be total control, and there will always be crazy people....

    Same for men

    Take care D8

    Edit: Ya, raising good children will help ^

  3. This should be solutions for violence against men, women and children  in the home.  I feel that teaching people to deal with anger in a more healthier way instead of reacting with violence is the main solution.

  4. Why not solutions for domestic violence fullstop?

    Implying that women are always the victims also implies that men are always the perpetrators since if 50% of the population is a victim then who else is there to perpetrate domestic violence? Men...

    This is grossly discriminatory because you're talking about who you are (a woman) and not what you are (a human being who should be awarded the same rights)

    edit: firstly our natural states don't dictate how we are awarded fundamental rights but yes social rights I suppose IF equitable can justified even if not equal.

    However, on your statistics that involves RECORDED crime only. What about unrecorded, unreported and undetected domestic violence? This according to victim surverys is where men are overrepresented.

    By having acts specifically catering to women you are effectively conditioning police to record more domestic violence against women (fine) BUT also to record less against men (not good). So it's a balancing act and yes perhaps women should have more right from harm in regards to this but don't have an act called the Violence against women act that barely touches on domestic violence against men. It's really not productive at all

  5. This is most ridiculous thing I ever heard. How come the men of this generation or future generation can be hold accountable for what happened in 50's and 70's, if at all it happened as you are saying, and punished for?

    So, as per your rule women in future should be punished for what you are doing now to men. Right? Does that make sense?

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