
Solutions to mood swings/irritability..what works for you?

by Guest62081  |  earlier

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I am a nurse but it helps to reach out for help even yourself at times. Each day, I find that I get annoyed and irritable over things with little to no effort. I am NOT finding my self feeling sad or depressed rather that grumpy and less tolorant...I have a short fuse over stupid things at times which gets worse the week of my period. I dont want to be like this, and I didnt used to be this way in the past. I have 2 children who I am sure wish Mom had more good days than grumpy ones. I have a normal easy going home life per say. Has anyone ever experienced this? What have you done to help yourself?

Serious posters please.




  1. I don't know if you are on any hormone therapy or birth control but if you are, it may need to be adjusted.  I think one that is really good if you are birth control is the yaz.  It seems to work very well.  If you are not taking hormones you might need to.  I would consult my OBGYN.

    Also take time out of your day or week for you.  Spend some time alone or treat yourself to a massage or anything to relieve stress.  Mental relaxation is wonderful and will transfer to the rest of your life as well.

    I am not making fun or anything with this but I am a Christian and it always helps me to take my troubles to God in prayer.  If you are a Christian talk with God.  If you are not I would be happy to chat with you via email or even voice about how God has changed my life and how he can change yours.

    God bless and I wish you the best.

  2. Exercise Exercise Exercise.  That should help you in all aspect.  You can work off your aggression and it will help you with your pms also.  I know this sounds typical but if you just took a brisk walk it would help.

  3. There's a great book out there--called The Woman's Advantage Diet. It not only promotes healthy weight, but it has the added benefit of smoothing out mood swings and cravings from PMS, which is what it sounds like you have. The author is Henry Mallek, MD.

    I used this eating method when I was still having my periods and it really works. There's a link below to a low-priced bookshop on line. Yo may be able to find it locally, also. carries it used as well.

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