
Solve 2 second order differential equations?

by  |  earlier

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1) y'' - y = -2x^3 + x - 3

2) y'' + b^2(y) = sin(ab) b and a are real constants (b is not equal to a)




  1. The method of doing these two is very similar so I'll do the first and leave you to do the second.

    y'' - y = -2x^3 + x - 3

    Solution will be y = yg + yp where yg is general solution including two constants of integration and yp is particular solution.

    First find yg, i.e. solution to

    yg'' - yg = 0

    yg'' = yg

    It is fairly easy to see that solutions could be yg = e^x or y = e^-x

    Therefore the most general solution is y = a*e^x + b*e^-x.

    You might like to check this by differentiation.

    Now you find yp. The form of a particular solution is usually the same as the RHS in the original. This was a cubic in x so let's assume

    yp = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d

    yp' = 3ax^2 + 2bx + c

    yp'' = 6ax + 2b

    yp'' - yp = -ax^3 - bx^2 + (6a - c)x + (2b - d) = -2x^3 + x - 3

    You should see fairly easily that a = 2, b = 0

    these then give us that 12 - c = 1, c = 11 and d = 3

    Particular solution is yp = 2x^3 + 11x + 3

    Complete solution is y = a*e^x + b*e^-x + 2x^3 + 11x + 3

    Try the second one in a similar manner.

    yg for that is sum of two trig functions.

    For yp note that RHS is constant.

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