
Solve this conans easy riddle what country am i in clues?

by  |  earlier

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we drive cars on a side of the road

both males and females live here

our sky is blue except when the clouds cover it and its not at night either

we can see the moon from here ..our sun sets in the west

we have wildlife here ..we have water although limited

and this will give it away we speak english ..well our form of english anyway




  1. Africa

  2. *** :<)  If I answer this it would be unfair as I am from the same land down under, so hopfully some clever person will get it right. (>: ***


    ps: good to see you aswell

  3. Australia

    or maybe New Zealand, Kiwi birds are strange.

  4. africa or australia maybe

  5. AUSTRALIA!!! WOOT!!  oops did i say that out loud?  

  6. South Africa?

  7. New Zealand?

  8. USA?

  9. Is it Tristan De Cunha? It's Tristan De Cunha, isn't it?

  10. hhmmmmmmmm

    nope sorry

    havnt got a clue lol

    x x x  

  11. wait a minute but looks familiar what do u say~~!!!!hey dude till now u were from Australia~~!!!!! and i know one thing about Australia that u definitely don't know the capital if Australia is A

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