Well, not to be rude or anything, but the Olympics are coming and I have to watch. What I need to do is a complete a math problem.
I'm sure I've done this before, but I forgot how! =[
Here's the problem:
Mean is 17. Data is N, 16,16,18
What I know...
N is a variable.. But I have to figure out what n equals.
Um..It's a crossword thingie, so it's eight letters.
I'm being really really rude, by asking so much, and I 'know' that some people don't 'waste' their time on answering math equations. I mean C'mon!
But all I want you to do is to show me how to do it, (use alternative numbers if you are not comfortable with cheating. I'm not, I'm a straight A student and it better stay that way.
School just started. This is my second math assignment.
Thanks. (i'm not surprised if nobody answers my stupid question, lol..)