
Solve this riddle I made up!

by  |  earlier

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There is a one-story house, the walls are green, the floor is red, and the ceiling is purple. What color is the stairs?




  1. no stairs

  2. I know this riddle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    IT HAS NO STAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ONE STORY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!

  3. its a one story house therefore no stairs unless you have a set of stairs on you wall that are painted or seomthing  

  4. lol there are no stairs!!


  5. The stairs are either made of wood which would make them brown.tan, or concrete which would make them grey.  These stairs however would be located outside at the front or back door.  No stairs inside since it's a one story house.


  7. If this was the old one, there is no stair.

    But if you want to make it up- ok

    I'll say the stairs that goes up to the attic is BLUE.

    Red floor + Blue stairs = Purple Ceiling

  8. umm u didnt make this up

    i heard it like 5 yrs ago

  9. there are no stairs.

  10. Duh one story house _No stairs!!!

  11. There are no stairs. It's a one-story house

  12. Ah, but there ARE stairs and they are concrete- leading up to the front door.  

  13. Depends on the color scheme of the basement

  14. The stairs have no colour because there are no stairs in a one story house.

  15. no stairs in a bungalow, unless it's got a cellar, and then i'd guess at orange.

  16. no stairs.

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