
Solvin a rubix cube?

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i am not that smart and cant solve my cube..ive been lookin up but plz




  1. You have to buy one and read the directions until you completely understand them.

    It doesn't have to do anything with being smart.

    If you can finish the cube with directions, then you have to start memorizing them and you'll get it.

    It took me less than two weeks to be able to do it.

  2. this is stupid question, there are 000's of combinations.

    how can someone tell you how to solve it?

    what combination have you got?

  3. I had one when I was a kid and I would always take it apart and put it back together with all sides matching. HA HA.  I know I cheated.  Sorry I couldn't help

  4. How to solve a rubics cube!!!

    No matter what you may think, you can solve the rubik's cube.

    It's so much easier than you think.

    So grab it out of the old chest or closet, or run down and buy one

    at Wal-Mart, read this, and learn how to impress your friends!

    The first thing to know is, get the idea of solving it one side

    at a time completely out of your head, the rubik's cube

    CANNOT be solved this can only be solved through

    a series of steps experts call "algorithims"

    to understand this you must first learn how to label a cube.

    T= Top, the side facing the ceiling.

    L= Left, the side on your left hand.

    R= Right, the side on your right hand.

    B= Bottom, the side facing the floor.

    F= Face, the side facing YOU as you hold it.

    There are two moves for each side


    F = turn the face side clockwise (to the right)

    FC= turn the face side COUNTER CLOCKWISE ( the th left)

    R = Right side turn clockwise as if you were facing the right side of the cube

    RC= turn the right side counter clockwise as if you were facing the right side of the cube

    I know this sounds complex so far, but it really really isn't just take a minute to get used to it

    *NOTE*  At any point following these directions may allow you to skip steps, don't follow a step

    unless it is required; for example following step 2 may form the "cross" if so, skip step 3

    1)  This is the hardest must solve one side of the cube on your own...everyone can solve one side I think!

    the hardest part about this is knowing that your middle pieces must match the center pieces on that side.

    For this demo I am going to solve the WHITE side.  When you solve the white side, make sure that the white

    green middle pice is between the white and green side.  There really is no good way to explain how

    to get to this stage except practice and trial and error.  Make sure the white face is fully solved and all

    pieces of the white layer match the middle pieces of the next layer up.

    2)  Things get easier here.  Turn the white side that is solved FACING DOWN.  Now look at the top.  Find a piece in the

    top layer that belongs in the side.  For example on my cube Red and blue share a side and the red-blue side piece

    is on top.

    Facing the blue side towards me, align the blue row so that it makes a column straight up and down and do this--


    IF red is on the side, align with the red side (3 red up and down) with blue still facing you

    T-R-TC-RC-TC-FC-T-F   this will put the blue side down and on the left of cube, rotate top one time so that

    blue is now aligned up and down and repeat the pattern.

    3)  Now you should have 2 layers comletely solved.  You need to get the top into a "cross" to do this simply do:

    F-R-T-RC-TC-FC     repeat this step until you get the "cross" if you have a line, line should be left-right

    4)  Once you have the cross, 2 sides should match, hold them so that one is in your right hand and one is AWAY from you

    Then do this


    This will make all the sides of the cross match the bottom 2 layers

    5)  Now you have to get the corner pieces to match the colors of the sides...they WONT go into the right position yet

    this just means that the corner piece with yellow, red, and blue in it will be in the same corner

    as the sides with yellor, red, and get there hold a matching corner in your right hand, if no corners

    are right when you start just do pattern until one does, then hold the one that does in your right hand facing you..


    as they fall into place turn the cube to the right and repeat till all the corners are matching their sides


    you must align the faces to match now, it will look like you are totally s******g up the cube

    YOU AREN'T, trust yourself

    hold a non matching piece in your right hand facing you, you will be aligning that piece

    RC-BC-R-B  repeat this step until the piece in the right hand facing you is aligned

    *IMPORTANT* when that one piece is right, turn the top layer once counter clockwise and repeat pattern


    each time one falls into place, turn top counterclockwise and repeat pattern

    if you turn counterclockwise and a piece is already right, turn counterclockwise again, this CAN happen

    turn to a piece that isnt right and do pattern

    When all top pieces are right, simply turn the layers so that they match their sides and WOOT!

    you solved the rubiks cube!!!

    once you know the stages, solving a cube is as easy as






    once you have the stages down....simply carry your cube in a little box, write the algorithms down on the side of the box

    because nobody else will have any idea what those letters mean, take out your cube and set the box where you can see the

    algorithms, mess the cube up and solve it and impress all your friends!!!

    5 algorithims  
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