
Some Conure questions??

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I am concitering getting a conure so i want to know a couple things about them.

How long is their average lifespan if they are well cared for?

How much daily attention do they need?

How big a cage do they need?

Is their food expensive, or is it about the same as a cockatiel?

Will they get along with a cockatiel?

How often do you need to take one to the vet?

My sister has had a cockatiel for 4 years who the whole family loves. She has a subscription to birdtalk, which i also read so i have the basics of what a pet bird will need. How demanding compared to other birds are they??

I have heard that they are very fun loving and are great pets, but before i decide I want to know all i can about them.




  1. Their average lifespan is 30 years.

    One hour of quality time at least two hours is much better.

    Buy the biggest cage you can afford.

    Pellets are more expensive than seed and conure pellets cost a little more that cockatiels.

    They might get along with a cockatiel but they should NEVER share the same cage always supervise them when out of cage.You should take them to the vet twice a year.

    They are less demanding than large parrot but less demanding than the small cockatiel, parakeet, parrotlet, and lovebird.

    They are very loving birds good luck on your sun conure!!!

  2. Its hard to lump all conures in together because they are all so different. The smaller conures, like Green Cheekeds are great birds for the beginner bird nut. All conures require alot of work but the smaller ones are less noisy, and cost a bit less to keep because they dont need a cage that is as large, use smaller toys, and eat less.

    Most conures are one people birds- they may tollerate a cockatiel but I wouldnt leave them alone together for very long. I have a GCC and a Quaker and they will most likely never get on. They do enjoy talking to each other from across the room and playing tricks on me, though.

    If you are feeding your cockatiel right (small parrot seed, fresh fruit and veg daily) then a conure will eat the same thing. They can also eat parrot pellets which many people recommend. My GCC never really liked them, though.

    I take my birds to the vet once a year for a checkup, but you have to be prepared to take a parrot to the vet as soon as you suspect anything is wrong as they can hide sickness very well.

    How long a conure will live depends on what species- the larger ones usually live longer- but if you care for them well they can live for 20-30 years.

    Cage wise? again it depends on the size of your bird. My GCC lives in a basic open top cage which is suitable for a cockatiel, the Quaker has one exactly the same. I like the size its not too big (if they were in cages any larger they would think too much of themselves) and its not too small- plus they spend most of their time outside of it.

    Conures can be demanding, but they are very much worth it- they are cheeky, affectionate, playful and oh so loving.

    good luck

  3. Here is some great sun conure info:


    They live about 30 years

    This is the food I use:

    It is really great stuff, you still need to supplement their diet though with fruits and veggies and grains

    Conures are a lot more demanding than cockatiels and need  a couple of hours out a day. They are also a lot louder, especially suns, that screechy voice drives me crazy sometimes

    Every 5 years you have your avian vet do a complete blood panel (about $600) and you have a wellness exam every year.

    They need a large cage, they love to play and are very active so need a lot of toys and perches. The bigger the cage the better.

    They will also need a nice playstand to play on while out of the cage, this one is a nice:

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