
Some Iceman's B-Day Questions???

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So I'm 22 now... Woo hoo, and I am bored at work, so lets see what we've got...

1.) As you get older, do you necessarily get wiser, or just more opinionated and set in your ways?

(To make it a hockey question, if your team is going for the cup, do you want the young guy who's a little green, but has more skill, or the older guy with more experience but less skill).

2.) I'm a Rangers fan, what are you getting me for my B-Day. (I won't take offense to FUNNY shots at the team.)

3.) Are you always optimistic going into a new season? Or are there some years where you expect failure and end up eating crow at points during the season.

4.) You are tabbed by the NHL to make a spin-off gimmick league on FOX to expand the brand (Think XFL or Slam-Ball). What is the gimmick you would use for hockey? What would the league be called?

5.) The recent firings in the NHL and MLB have got me thinking... Whats more important to the success of a team, Good Manager and coaches? Or good GM?





    1.) When you get older you get wiser.  I'm only 17 but when I look back at when I was younger, I was pretty stupid.  haha.  And for the hockey question, I'd pick the older guy.  He knows what he's doing.  He's been there before.  That's why the Pens didn't get far in the playoffs last year.  A bunch of young guys who weren't prepared.  Now that they had a little taste of the playoffs, this year they got to the Cup final.

    2.) A Glen Sather action figure.  His special weapon: He impales his enemies with the wasted playoff tickets he printed in 2004 when the Rangers got Jagr and didn't make it to the playoffs ;-)

    3.) Pretty much all seasons I'm optimistic.  The Devils are pretty consistent every year.  Except this year, I had no idea what to expect because there was a new coach, and so many roster changes.  I was...scared.  Haha, but we made the playoffs, only to be eliminated by YOU GUYS >:(

    4.) Basically all the players in the league must have at least half their teeth missing before joining, as that is a stereotype others have of hockey.  Next, they just beat each other senseless with their sticks and fists, because that's another hockey stereotype.

    5.) A good coach to get the team working together.  You can have superstars that your GM got, but if you have a team full of lazy Jagrs you're not going to get far.  If you have a team of hardworking players, who are young, dedicated, but aren't the best, like Miracle 1980 players, you will still have success.


  2. Happy B-Day Ice. Why didn't you take off today?  

    1) Well, since I'm still over twice as old as you, You get a bit more opinionated and set in ways.  Like always hating the Rags,lol.  

    I'll take the younger guy with skill, I'm sure there will be older vets to show him the playoff ropes.

    2)Waaaay Too Easy.... but I'll be kind.  I would get you one of those foam  "Let's Go Islanders" fingers . Then you can wave it in the mirror and pretend you're Avery ;-)

    3)This past season, I didn't expect much after all those FA's departed, so it was more "what can you do" as opposed to eating crow. Normally, I do have some optimism.

    4) The DHL- Drunken Hockey League. Before each faceoff, every drinks a shot of Molson and after each goal, everyone downs a shot of Canadian Club. Should be fun by the third period.

    5)A good GM can find those players that fill a need, as long as ownership doesn't tie his hands. The Yankees proved they could win despite Torre being the manager.  Randolph was the scapegoat for Minaya, who should be the next GM to go. Doubled the payroll with nothing to show for it, except trading away Kazmir. Must be related to Mike Milbury somehow.

  3. 1.  Always respect the elderly, they're wiser and have experienced it all.  Go for the old guy with the experience.

    2.  A wig of Jagr's old mullet - You;re not balding at 22 are ya?

    3.  HAHA - As a Buffalo fan you're optimistic EVERY season.

    4.  Every see beach hockey on ESPN a few years ago?  The hockey rink was on the beach and it was the shape of a half-pipe.  So the skaters would fly up around the back of the net and cream each other.  Plus there were girls in bikinis in the background.  Bring something like that back.

    5.  I always go with GM.  Its his responsibility to put a good team together.  Majority of the time the coach puts his neck on the line thanks to him.

  4. There's just something special about June babies...for you guys I mean special in a good way...mysle,f special in a relfective helmet, velcro shoes kinda way...

    1. I've definately gotton more opinionated and disgruntled, which I think makes me a bit wiser. And the new guy. Skills pay the bills.

    2. A lobotomy ;)

    3. Little bit of both, I wasn't expecting soem of the greatness of two seasons ago out of the Sabres, but I wasnt expecting them to royally suck either.

    4. Hockey player greco-roman style jello wrestling

    5. Overall coach. The GM is jus kind of their to make the dumbest person look like Einstein.

  5. happy birthday!!!!

    1.) more opinionated i think

    2.) a jersey, what's your size?

    3.) optimistic

    4.) uhhhh, boxing on ice

    5.) good gm


    1)opinionated and set in your ways9your still young though)

    2)hmmm a jagr mullet wig


    4)no clue

    5)coaches and manager

  7. i just turned 17 a few days ago.

    happy bday to u

    im bored at my dad's work. whoo...

    1. what u say is just taken into more consideration because u supposedly have experienced more and are more mature.

    the old guy. detroit just showed it.

    2. a dipietro jersey

    3. always optimistic. dont go down on your team (unless ur team is the kings)

    4. ???

    5. coaches. they reward the best coach for a reason

  8. Happy Birthday!

    1) totally just more opinionated. At least I have, but I'm only 14. Hm.

    2) Me too! How about my season tickets for a game?

    3) I'm optimistic about it. Hopefully Staal and Dubinsky will make the Rangers UNSTOPPABLE!

    4) Ice Frisbee.

    5) GM

  9. 1. Eh........I think it's a mix of both.

    1b) Young guy with skill

    2. This poster for you to hang over your bed....

    ;) I kid....I kid...

    ......I'll buy you tickets to one Ranger game next year.

    3. Going into this past season I wasn't optimistic at all! I don't know why either. Then when MAF got hurt early on I completely scratched our name off the list.......It turns out, though, they really surprised me and made it to the Stanley Cup Finals.........Going into next season....I'm actually very confident right now. Maybe TOO confident. Our goalie MAF has finally proven himself, Malkin has finally bloomed, and Sidney and Marian Hossa on the same line again?!

    4. I have noooo idea.

    5. A good GM. The GM is the one deciding who's on the team.

  10. Happy BDay..If it makes you feel better you look 40:p

    1.)I am much more opinionated BUT now I don't feel my opinion is always right like I did when I was a teenage punk.

    B)Older guy with experience.

    2.)I would make a terrible Rags joke but they don't need it....They have enough terrible jokes on that team of yours.At least you don't have a pitcher that has trouble covering first base twice in one inning.

    3.)I ate crow alot this year.I'm not embarrassed to admit that either.I'm usually very optimistic going into the season but after the year the Flyers had I wasn't too sure.

    4.)I'm not thinking XFL or Slamball cause they both failed miserably..Maybe something for the goon in us..An octagon for the fighters of the league..Weight classes too.The name "No Pucks,No sticks".

    5.)Good Coaches...Guys like Scotty Bowman made GMs look like geniuses.

  11. Happy Birthday! I wish I was 35, 15 sucks.

    1. Experience over skill. I get wiser and more opinionated each year.

    2. A rag. :). Nah, I don't have a problem with the Rangers, I'd give you some tickets to their games.

    3. I am always optimistic going into an NHL season.

    4. The COI!! Convicts on Ice. It's kind of like that film, "The Longest Yard," except the convicts and guards play Hockey.

    5. They are all important, teams cannot function without either.

  12. Happy birthday! :D

    1. I'd rather have a veteran guy who knows what he's doing with less skill......

    2. I'd get you a...hmm, Avery body-sized pillow haha, you can sleep with him every night. Not sure if you want it, but I know Avery does.

    3. Always optimistic. I've gone through h**l and back with the Pens....always look for the best ^.^

    4. Jeez.....uh...I have no idea haha, I'm too tired to think that much, sorry. xD

    5. Coach.

  13. Happy birthday man.

    1). I'd take the old guy, at 32 I am the old guy of the Grey beards, so let's go old men!!!

    2).I'm sure Neil Smith will get some out of date left over players from other teams for you bad he can't make them score.

    3).I try to a Devils fan we do great until the last week of the regular I normally don't see it coming.

    4).Stripper-roller Hockey....."Bambie....2 minutes for high sticking, go sit in the lap dance room"

    5). GM........."But it's hard to fire the KING just cause the Whoppers not selling"

  14. Hi

    1. So often wisdom is only a point of view issue.  Also has a way of not helping those truly in need.

    2.  Two new centers and a defenseman that won't preform up to previous standards

    3.Yes, I go in expecting a cup. Though I don't get upset at the Playoff exits.

    4. Use the 6 inch high by 2 feet long goal with no goalie. and 3 on 3. Add anything beyond red line 2 pts

    5. I would honestly say they are equal you look at long term successfully teams in any league and they have very solid at both positions.

    Thank You


    1) i think both...wiser and opiniated

    the Vet with more experience but less skill

    2) probably a jersey

    3) i'm optimistic

    4) idk

    5) probably both

  16. 1) I just have gotten more bitter.  Everyday that doesn't start with an "S" seems to be a long drawn out dreaded day.

    2) Get you a picture of Messier "humping" the cup back in 94.

    Oh, and tell you to root for the Giants.

    3) I going into each season optimistic.  I don't take it too seriously if the team underperforms.

    4) Kill Mill.  I would let all fans have a chance to dunk Milbury and Mcguire in a tank full of gators.

    5) I think a good GM is more important.  If a GM can get you the parts that fit your style, he is a keeper.

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. More opinionated & set in your own ways.

    A older player with more experience.


    Except the name on it will be different & the bride will be cut out, lol

    3. Im optimistic.

    4. I have no idea, lol

    5. A good GM.

  18. Happy Birthday Iceman!!! Just turned 22 myself...its more fun than 21! :)

    1. I know that I've gotten more opinionated and set in my ways, but I'm alittle bit wiser with the choices I make now too. To answer the hockey part -  Being a Pens fan with the playoffs fresh in my memory...I'm gonna go with more experience and less skill.

    2. A Sean Avery Blow-up doll!!!...jk If we were really friends I would probably take you to see the Rangers vs. The Penguins at MSG.

    3. I tend to be a very optimistic person...but trust me..I eat crow

    4. American Gladiators meets NHL Players....Puck It!!!

    5. While both good management and coaching are important..ultimately its the GM who decides a Good GM is critical to having a successful team.

  19. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a gr8 day!

    1. yeah i think as grow older you have more of an understanding in life, so more wiser.

    um.... ill take the older guy

    2. obviously an islanders jersey..... jks jks I'd probably get you a rangers mug!

    3. im pretty optimistic.. i mean its a new season anythig can happen!

    4. Slap Shot~ i have no idea i just made it up on the spot

    5. uh... this is hard... i cant pick both are extremely importat to a team!





    1)  Lol... um... I think both... you learn to flex some thoughts... but not all.  I think as the Red Wings showed... you can't substitute experience.

    2)  Hmm... well I have some Mark Messier cards from the Rangers.. and a lot of Leetches...

    3)  Always optimistic.  Were the Wings... nuff said.

    4)  Hmm... well I was thinkin something along the lines of Hockey Idol to see Osgood and Nick sing again...

    5) I don't think you can choose.  The manager has to get the people to play on the team... and the coach has to control the chemistry and find out the right lines and the right combinations... thats a toughie.

  21. 1. i'd want more skill to make sure we get the cup

    2. Aww man i forgot today was your birthday how about ill give you these answers

    3. Always optimistic

    4. MHL megs hockey league um no idea they wont ask me to do that anyways :)

    5. Success of team in the end thats all that matters

  22. 1- Not that old but i think it goes to a certain age(the first one)

    2-A park rangers outfit or a bag for your head whatever you want.

    3-Yeah last year i watched at the end half way through and when sid went down i was like OH GOD but Geno pulled us through

    4-no clue

    5-Coaches they make do with what they have i mean if ray shero wasnt great idk what would happen i think it goes either way :]

  23. Happy Birthday young one!

    1. I've always been opinionated. Unless you continue to learn new tthings your brain falls out.

    It depends on the guy.  I'd want Adam Oates > Chistov

    2. A mullet wig for Jagr. He's lost his power w/o his hair.

    3. I'm a realist.

    4. Hockey players and cooking. See the book Temptation at the White House. National Hottie League..lmao

    5. Good GM.

  24. 1.) I don't know yet...I turn 21 next month...if I survive that, I will probably be a lot more wiser after my liver fixes itself.

    And the hockey answer...a good mixture of both would be nice, but I would take the young guy.  Experience can be learned.

    2.) A poster of Messier with the Cup.  To remind you of the good ol' days :-)

    3.) I've always been a glass half full type of person...and since I am a Wings fan you kinda are optimistic anyway.

    4.) XHL (I am not creative this morning after staring at a stack of reports that I have to do)...wrestling combined with hockey.  That way Butterbean can make an appearance.

    5.) I think all are essential...but a good coach since he is dealing directly with the player's welfare and talent and such.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  25. Happy Birthday, I celebrated by 22nd birthday in Hershey after an AHL game.  I was a healthy scratch that night.

    1) Wiser..............and that helps you become more opinionated and set in your ways

    2)  A Nolan Ryan Jersey

    3)  I've always been a realist, you have to be in my business.  You have to realize that not all 30 teams will win the Cup.  In the NHL, no team ever 'overachieves'..........that is always expected.  Underachieving...........the most common ailment!

    4)  I have no idea whatsoever.  Wouldn't I be given money to hire a creative team to help me out?

    5)  It's a conundrum.  Sometimes it is easier to fire the coach than it is to fire 20+ players.  It's also easier to find a good coach than it is to find a good GM.

    As I've always stated, and there is a ton of proof to back me, the most crucial link to a team's success is goaltending.  This would be a reflection of the GM more than the coach.  I think the Red Wings and the recent rebuilding of your Rangers both are reflections of the people in the GM seat more than anything else.

  26. Happy Birthday!  I remember thinking 22 sounded so much older and mature that 21.  :)

    1)  The older you get, the less you like other people.  I would say the older you get, the more experiences you have, which make you a wiser person (like buying a house, moving, getting married, having nuggets, and whatnot)

    1b)  I guess I would take the old guy.  This last Stanley Cup really reflected how that's very important.

    2)  Well, I guess I would get you case of beer.  I hate when people buy me clothes or hockey stuff…people tend to give what they want to receive…lol, hint, hint!

    3)  I am always optimistic...about everything!  I never expect failure...with anything!

    4) I would call it HGPL.  The Hockey Glow Puck League.  I know Fox loves that some Americans are too obtuse to follow a puck.  The gimmick would be, that I would pick random people from the audience to play the game.  

    5)  I would say it has to be a good GM and a good Coach…but people in Toronto may disagree with that…

    Iceman:  Your life will start to slow down when your about 25.

    J.O.:  lmao, not those kind of nuggets. :)

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